posted on September 15th, 2010, 9:45 pm
Last edited by
jetnova16 on September 15th, 2010, 9:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Tyler wrote:Did you edit 'weapon.spr' in the sprites folder? Try to use a sprite without telling it what texture to use will crash the game because it won't know it exists.
Just search for 'wplascannon' and add underneath it (I'm assuming you forgot this because the readme doesn't mention it):
Wmagneticpulse Wmagneticpulse 0 0 42 42 @anim=tex3x3
The first 'Wmagneticpulse' is the odf sprite entry, the second is the texture.
Yes, I did forget to edit the Weapons.spr file. I was actually thinking that there wasn't a line there that would need editing or adding. I mostly thought this because of the fact I only edited the stock files.
I make that change right now, and I see that you've actaully created the line that I need to add. Thank you for that, I appreciate it.
You were right, the weapon now works, it just needed that line of code to actually make it fire.
Now the only problems I have with the weapon is actually making it have the same effect as the one mentioned from my post with the information from Memory Alpha.
What other codes would actually give the weapon the ability to pass through an enemy ship or stations shields and then damage a system, possibly the ones that were damaged on the USS Enterprise NCC 1701 when they encountered this weapon?