AI formation crash
Talk about anything related to old versions of Armada.
posted on December 30th, 2023, 3:48 pm
I'm getting a seemingly random crash, and all it says is something about crafts, formation, and AI. I haven't the slightest idea what is going on.
posted on December 31st, 2023, 10:34 am
Most likely it has to do with either pathing or the AI's strategic decision making. Did you change stuff like AI-gridsize values, or the numbers in the .aip files (not the build lists but the AI settings)?
posted on December 31st, 2023, 8:29 pm
Other than installing a bunch of Federation ships and stations, I've not messed with the AI at all. The base version of this mod is STA2 Upgrade Project 2014 v2.0a for Fleet ops. Are there other patches that fix this issue?
posted on December 31st, 2023, 9:52 pm
The problem could be with that mod. Otherwise the the stations might have footprintbuffers that are too large.
posted on January 1st, 2024, 12:24 am
Do you know of patches by the author of the mod that fix any of these issues?
posted on January 1st, 2024, 5:01 am
SPARTAN078 wrote:Other than installing a bunch of Federation ships and stations, I've not messed with the AI at all. The base version of this mod is STA2 Upgrade Project 2014 v2.0a for Fleet ops. Are there other patches that fix this issue?
SPARTAN078 wrote:Do you know of patches by the author of the mod that fix any of these issues?
I play this mod a lot and there is no issues with it. No such crashes or bugs related to what you are mentioning here.
Though there a Forums page for this mod though:
posted on January 2nd, 2024, 11:15 am
SPARTAN078 wrote:Do you know of patches by the author of the mod that fix any of these issues?
No but it might not be the mod itself. Check the odf files of the stations you added: try reducing the values for the footPrintBuffer, eastbuffer, westbuffer, northbuffer and southbuffer commands.
Btw, did you get any further with the mouse crash issue in the Roots mod? Did a reinstall help? If not, could you post the error report (screenshots of the different tabs would be fine)?
posted on January 5th, 2024, 3:25 pm
Would replacing stock AI files help? I have those in another folder.
As for the Roots mod, I got that working by turning off the "Asynchronous Coursor" option. Works fine now.
As for the Roots mod, I got that working by turning off the "Asynchronous Coursor" option. Works fine now.
posted on January 5th, 2024, 6:23 pm
SPARTAN078 wrote:Would replacing stock AI files help? I have those in another folder.
As for the Roots mod, I got that working by turning off the "Asynchronous Coursor" option. Works fine now.
You’ll break the game and the Mod if you replace the AI files with the Stock ones. That Mod uses new pathing and other aspects for its units that are set in the maps linking to the AI through the Campaign Missions. Like I’ve already said there’s no issues with that AI. It’s from the A2 Vanilla Ultimate Upgrade Mod. All that mod is is the A2 Classic Mod upgraded through the Vanilla Ultimate Upgrade Project then transferred into FleetOps as a mod to bring back that project and a better A2 Campaign.
It’s the base mod to my modding partner and my Armada II Mod. We’re still using their original AI files in this mod with no issues.
I would suggest starting over and uninstalling whatever you added because the crash you’re describing no one else ever playing that mod has ever had it. You could have installed your additional mods wrong or they broke something with the mod! You have not posted a single Bug Report and as such it might be something you aren’t even realizing!
In fact though from my modding partner’s Mega Upload for mods we have these two mods for STA2 Upgrade Project 2014 v2.0a
STA2_Upgrade Project 2014 v2.0A Full:
STA2_Upgrade Project 2014 v2.0A + Tactical Expansion Mod:
Maybe they’ll fix your problem and maybe the Tactical Expansion Mod for it by a person by the user name TrashMan may have added what you’re trying to add anyways.
Plus in both these mod uploads we have Rifraf’s Backups which includes the AI Files that were edited and what he made new ones for; which are: a2_kling05_build.aip, cardassian_instant_action_build_list.aip, federation_instant_action_build_list.aip, klingon_instant_action_build_list.aip, & romulan_instant_action_build_list.aip.
Also for the Old (original aip files) that he backed up are: which are: a2_kling05_build.aip, alternateborg_instant_action_build_list.aip, borg_instant_action_build_list.aip, cardassian_instant_action_build_list.aip, federation_instant_action_build_list.aip, klingon_instant_action_build_list.aip, romulan_instant_action_build_list.aip & species8472_instant_action_build_list.aip.
He has also changed how colonization works and included the original stock colonization files to restore that and alternate aip files for maps consisting of different amounts of resources.
posted on January 6th, 2024, 9:14 pm
Here's a bug report from a recent event. It might have something to do with the scouting process. I think the AI might be missing a step somewhere, causing an issue. This particular time, it happened with the Romulans. I'll try overwriting your AI files onto my version and see what happens. I was constantly testing everything I added to the mod, and this crash I'm getting doesn't seem to have anything to do with a new mod. I'll have a look at the tactical expansion.
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posted on January 6th, 2024, 10:39 pm
Ok, I replaced the AIPs with the default backup lists. I'm getting a crash after about 15 minutes. This last time around, it says "craftprocess.mining" and another line about "domining" The last few times, it happened with Borg and Federation.
posted on January 7th, 2024, 1:28 am
I tried your tactical expansion mod but still had crashes. One was a producer crash where I'm assuming something was built that crashed. The last crash was similar to what I've been getting, a Craft Process Crash.
posted on January 7th, 2024, 2:30 am
SPARTAN078 wrote:Here's a bug report from a recent event. It might have something to do with the scouting process. I think the AI might be missing a step somewhere, causing an issue. This particular time, it happened with the Romulans. I'll try overwriting your AI files onto my version and see what happens. I was constantly testing everything I added to the mod, and this crash I'm getting doesn't seem to have anything to do with a new mod. I'll have a look at the tactical expansion.
Found your error! You need to check the units you’ve added to the game! One of them has a missing: “! You get that by getting in your Bug Report:
- IMG_9251.jpeg (171.78 KiB) Viewed 330 times
See the line: “Out Of Memory”? That occurs with a missing: “ in an ODF file! AIP files aren’t ODF files but they too do have “ in them so they can miss one as well.
That means it’s in an ODF file causing your problem. The catch is FleetOps loads all ODF files at once apparently.
You can easily hunt for bugs utilizing the Bug/Crash Checklist right in the Guide:
posted on January 7th, 2024, 2:45 am
SPARTAN078 wrote:I tried your tactical expansion mod but still had crashes. One was a producer crash where I'm assuming something was built that crashed. The last crash was similar to what I've been getting, a Craft Process Crash.
There could be something wrong with your FleetOps install then, but that’s a guess. Just finished a game with that mod between the Federation against the Cardassians on Merciless AI with no crashes.
What race were you playing and playing against? If it was your race playing watch everything that builds and see if it crashes. You can also do this as a single race on a map pre-starting the game in the Map Editor with resources and then hitting CTRL E to exit the editor after placing a faction’s construction ship and main Starbase and building through the units individually.
This is how my modding partner and I find and fix crashes of all kinds.
posted on January 7th, 2024, 3:05 am
I'll check the units for all the races and see what crashes. I ran a game against the Alternate Borg race, but it didn't do anything. It just sat there with two construction ships and a nexus. So, I built everything in the Federation roster, including added ships and stations. Everything worked fine until I killed the Borg off. Then, when the Admiral's log tried to load, it crashed and gave me something about an "invalid bitmap" or something. I checked the bitmaps in the Admiral's log, and everything seemed okay.
I'm having an issue with my larger freighters. After they mine a bunch of a particular resource, they dump it in favor of the next closest resource.
I'm having an issue with my larger freighters. After they mine a bunch of a particular resource, they dump it in favor of the next closest resource.
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