AI on MP gamemodes/Map Units (Armada 2)

Talk about anything related to old versions of Armada.
posted on July 5th, 2013, 1:04 am
I was wondering if there was a way if add AI on certain MP gamemodes like colonization. Or have map units in Instant Action Like in Armada 1. I downloaded this map called totalhell and I remember playing a version of it on Armada 1. The AI could easily play on the map in Armada 1. However when I attempt to play the armada 2 version it only shows up in MP. I attempt to add AI opponents and it gives me a message saying only humans can play on this mode. Is there a .h or .cfg file I could possible edit to fix that. I have patch project 1.2.5 if that helps any. Whether or not the AI can actually fully utilize the map to me is really irrelevant (implying they have ever done that outside of their starting location). Its kind of sad its a very well done map but it can only be played with other people (And my friends that have time to play games don't want to play this game with me). The Skirmish mode limitations in A2 are very annoying when you look at Armada 1 and you could do just about anything in its skirmish mode from.

And yes it is possible to luanch MP games with out any other Human Opponent(at least on my version).
posted on July 5th, 2013, 2:00 am
That map is probably an Assault Map - you can change that via Map Editor. :)
posted on July 5th, 2013, 5:56 am

The map was listed under MP_colonization however I changed it to mp_regular. I remember putting map units in A2 maps wouldn't work. But I guess it was the patch project that fixed that. The Non playable units are attacking me like they should. And I can play it in Instant Action with AI opponents. I'll probably end up getting around to converting all the maps to mp_regular if there is no ability to change the AI being unable to play Colonization or CTF modes.
posted on July 5th, 2013, 4:12 pm
Yes, the AI can't use any of those modes :thumbsup:

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