Building footprint hangs online games......

Talk about anything related to old versions of Armada.
posted on August 9th, 2010, 1:25 am
Last edited by Njm1983 on August 9th, 2010, 4:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
Tried playing online and had a strange graphical issue. The game would work fine until I tried to build a building. The moment the footprint hit the playable space it would lock up my end of the game. Everything would freeze, mouse would disappear and from my end I couldnt see chat messages. however I could still type and send them. The first game toggling back and forth from the menu would eventually un hang the game but Id get many weird events first. upon first toggle the screen would go completely black except for a can build cursor where the mouse pointer was. Sometimes itd go back to normal but itd hang again with the building footprint. Heres the kicker, my opponent could play as if nothing was happening. As this went on the first game fixed itself and we were able to finish. but the subsequent games following never got corrected and I was forced to quit.

Anyone have a suggestion on a fix - skirmish works just fine.

heres my CPU specs -

Windows 7 64 bit
i7 processor 860
ati radeon hd5770 1024mb
8gb ddr3 ram

EDIT: apparently skirmish doesnt work also - it hangs also... Im going to try older vid card driver sice thats my most recent change.

2nd EDIT: It seems this is some variant of the bug mentioned earlier where alt-tabbing corrects the issue. It worked for me but its really strange. 24 hours ago my game worked fine I guess its my catalyst drivers.

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