Is it possible to convert Armada 1 into Armada 2 engine?

Talk about anything related to old versions of Armada.
posted on December 2nd, 2009, 8:52 am
It would be cool to create a armada 1 remake, using the armada 2 engine, and replacing the ship models with high res/high poly community ones (PC performance should do it easily nowadays).

Using an adapted version of the fantastic FleetOps Interface (which sadly will be thrown away in 3.08) would make this remake perfect.

I think it could be done by replacing odfs/tts and campaign menu files, copying mission files, as well as sounds and videos from the campaign into the armada 2 folder. Of course it is not that easy, I didn´t try yet, I just recently thought about playing the armada 1 campaign again and how it would look in FO3 graphics.

Did anyone of you try, how could it work?
posted on December 2nd, 2009, 12:33 pm
some stuff should work, but there are also quite many differences. Some Armada1 features cant be used in Armada2 without further coding

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