Patch Project Debugger

Talk about anything related to old versions of Armada.
posted on January 20th, 2008, 1:32 am
Hi, everyone. First let me say give all my thanks to you guys for doing this project. You've bled new life into my passion for Star Trek Armada. However, I was wondering if there is a way to turn off the built in debugger in the A2 Patch Project? I noticed that it still says there is a memory problem(different from the 50 MB or more message). It asks me if I want to make a report. I can do that. Or if I click no, the game loads just fine. Being no stranger to A2 mods in my game, I assumed that I have some problem that I haven't run across/can't find. So I created a new installation patched with 1.1 and then with 1.25. With no mods installed, I get the same debug error about a possible ODF error. If I click yes I can make a report, if I click no the game loads fine. The computer I am using A2 on has no direct access to the internet. Can I possibly collect the file(s) off of my hard drive and send them to you manually? Just for thought, here are my system specs:

Intel 870 3.8gHz w/2MB cache
8.0GB G.skill DDR2
2x 7900GS nVidia Geforce in SLI
X-FI X-treme Gamer Pro Series
2x 18GB scsi
2x 36GB scsi
29160n Ultra 160 scsi adapter
Lite-on DVD burner
Win XP x64 SP2

No other games (except for the Half-life games which is another matter altogether) exhibit any problems on this system When I first built this system about a month ago, I did exhaustive testing and benchmarking and am completely satisfied with it. I would just like to be able to turn off the debugger if possible. Thanks so much again. You guys Rock!.
posted on January 20th, 2008, 1:49 am
yes, this is a bug within armada 2 and xp x64. usually you cannot run armada at all, thats why this dialogbox there. i need win xp x64 in order to work out a 100% working fix, but i haven't

welcome to the forums btw :)
posted on January 20th, 2008, 4:41 am
Hi, thanks for the welcome. Thanks for the fast reply. Though the news is unfortunate. I've gotten in the habit of just hitting 'n' right after I click the A2 shortcut. I know you guys have lots on your table, but hopefully it's something you can eventually fix. Thanks again so much and have a great day.

posted on January 20th, 2008, 11:11 am
Last edited by DOCa Cola on January 20th, 2008, 11:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
the problem why the message is still there as someone told me that is not only if ram is (or too much ;)) but also when a mod developer makes a mistake in an odf file. i wasn't able to reproduce that, so i may just disable this check or atleast disable it under x64

if you like you can contact me via IM and i assemble a version for your without the check

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