Personal Mod Questions Stock A2

Talk about anything related to old versions of Armada.
posted on May 14th, 2013, 4:21 am
Last edited by rifraf on May 17th, 2013, 2:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
The gselfdes file in "special weapons" folder for self destruct has a classlabel, a timer value and a radius of effect value and a few other things, but references no other file.

In the "other" odf file is the parameters for self destruct xselfbal and it's shockwave file xselfd with the damage parameters. Is the gselfdes file hardcoded to link to these other two files invisibly somehow as they clearly are part of the whole self destruct package?

Why I'm asking is I'd like to add the Klingon repulsion weapon parameters to the self destruct so it pushes away other nearby ships slightly upon explosion and causes damage. Could I add the following to the self destruct files and then make a couple more odf's to reference the repulsion parameters?

// Set the object odf name
objectName = "xxxxxx"

Likewise could I add a blast radius and damage parameters to a standard explosion (using extra odf's if needed) and have every ship/station explosion cause a little damage to nearby objects?

Thanks all
posted on May 14th, 2013, 5:01 am
Yes, SelfDestruct is hardcoded to reference xselfbal. Xselfd is not a hardcoded reference - it's just the stock shockwave reference for xselfbal. :)

No, objectName commands are only referenced by a few ordnance commands. Armada II does not have the capability of spawning gameObjects from Explosions - the Fleet Ops rumbleExplode class has such capability.

Shockwaves do damage, not Fireballs - so you must add a Shockwave if you wish to do damage :). ... /explosion
posted on May 17th, 2013, 3:03 am
Thanks D_N. Then I can use a shock wave with a blank sod so no wave appears and just use the standard explosion effect with whatever damage.

Another question. I use very few special weapons as I just don't like hardly any of them in stock A2, but I wanted to get a few opinions on a special weapon idea for my mod. You know how in the shows occasionally a system would go down in battle after the ship was hit and the crew would scramble to get it back up? My idea is to give every ship for every race a modified Klingon poleron torpedo as a special weapon.

I'll use a normal torpedo texture and shot speed/turn rate and it'll use all it's special energy in one shot with a slow recharge time. Maybe give it a 20 or 30 percent chance to hit any target that way it's not over powered and yet everyone has a slight chance to disable a random system on any enemy for a brief period of time in the heat of battle.

Does this sound too generic or just plain uninteresting in any ones views if you were playing a stock A2 mod?

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