posted on September 27th, 2014, 8:36 am
hi guys
i'm new on fleetops forum, but i play it long time now
anyway, i wrote this yesterday, and anyone with suggestion can help
i believe you are all familiar with STA2 Classic Mod..basiclly it's armada 2 running through fleetops even on WINDOWS 8.1 !!! yesterday, i copied the entire A1 dierctory with 1.3 patch in FleetOps mods folder...i tried to run A1 but it crashed of course...however, i could hear A1 game music and other sounds from a1 menu
so, i was thinking is it possible to make some kind of launcher using fleetops.exe to run A1 somehow?? i have x64 based system, and on my old laptop which had windows 7x64 game run perfectly even better than on XP
so i'm asking you for help..thank you in advance