ReplaceWeapon problem

Talk about anything related to old versions of Armada.
posted on February 3rd, 2008, 4:05 am

I am attempting to use the ReplaceWeapon to make carriers for KA2 V.1.1. The half-squadron (6 ships) version works fine. However, the squadron and double squadron (12 and 24) version has an error.

With the 12 ship version, the last two ships refuse to move, when I order them to i simply get the "cannot comply" voiceover. Also, after I have selected them, I can't drag a selection box any more until i select another ship with a left mouse click.

With the 24 ship version, something even stranger happens. I have the weapon setup to produce 12 Claw Fighters and 12 Sharptooth Bombers. In a similar bug to above, the last two Claw and the last two Sharptooths refuse to move, and cause the same error as above.

Code for the 12 ship version

Code: Select all
//Display name for this weapon
wpnName = "Galaxy Class Separation"

tooltip = "Launch Fighters"
verboseTooltip = "Launch the Long Fang Fleet Carriers complement of Claw Fighters."

//Time Delay between shots - not used
//shotDelay = 0.0

//Location of the button in the speed panel
//buttonSlot = 4

// location of the button in the popup palette
//popupSlot = 5

// Priority of button in the speed panel, this is only
// used if it is non-zero.
buttonPriority = 10

//Type of border to use for this button.
//0 = No border.
//1 = Offensive border.
//2 = Defensive border.
//buttonBorder = 2
special = 1
//Programming Stuff DO NOT CHANGE
classLabel = "ReplaceWeapon"

//this special weapon can be assimilated by the borg tech assimilator
//assimilatable = "fedpod1"
replacement0Class0 = "sclaw2"        // Fighters
replacement1Class0 = "sclaw2"       
replacement2Class0 = "sclaw2"
replacement3Class0 = "sclaw2"
replacement4Class0 = "sclaw2"
replacement5Class0 = "sclaw2"
replacement6Class0 = "sclaw2"       
replacement7Class0 = "sclaw2"       
replacement8Class0 = "sclaw2"
replacement9Class0 = "sclaw2"
replacement10Class0 = "sclaw2"
replacement11Class0 = "sclaw2"
replacement12Class0 = "scva0"        // Fighterless Carrier
replacementCreationType = 3                  // Vessel is reported as separated in Admirals Log
replacementkeepName = 1
replacementKeepOwner = 0     // Disabled so that the carrier is replaced
replacement0Class0Position = 10,10,0
replacement1Class0Position = 10,20,0  
replacement2Class0Position = 10,30,0
replacement3Class0Position = -10,10,0
replacement4Class0Position = -10,20,0  
replacement5Class0Position = -10,30,0
replacement6Class0Position = 10,10,0
replacement7Class0Position = 10,20,0  
replacement8Class0Position = 10,30,0
replacement9Class0Position = -10,10,0
replacement10Class0Position = -10,25,0  
replacement11Class0Position = -10,35,0
replacement12Class0Position = 0,0,0
eventFire = "replaceweapon"
hotkeyLabel = "HOTKEY_F6"

Code for the 24 ship version

Code: Select all
//Display name for this weapon
wpnName = "Galaxy Class Separation"

tooltip = "Launch Fightercraft"
verboseTooltip = "Launch the Alpha Class Supercarriers complement of Claw Fighters and Sharptooth Bombers."

//Time Delay between shots - not used
//shotDelay = 0.0

//Location of the button in the speed panel
//buttonSlot = 4

// location of the button in the popup palette
//popupSlot = 5

// Priority of button in the speed panel, this is only
// used if it is non-zero.
buttonPriority = 10

//Type of border to use for this button.
//0 = No border.
//1 = Offensive border.
//2 = Defensive border.
//buttonBorder = 2
special = 1
//Programming Stuff DO NOT CHANGE
classLabel = "ReplaceWeapon"

//this special weapon can be assimilated by the borg tech assimilator
//assimilatable = "fedpod1"
replacement0Class0 = "sclaw3"        // Fighters
replacement1Class0 = "sclaw3"       
replacement2Class0 = "sclaw3"
replacement3Class0 = "sclaw3"
replacement4Class0 = "sclaw3"
replacement5Class0 = "sclaw3"
replacement6Class0 = "sclaw3"       
replacement7Class0 = "sclaw3"       
replacement8Class0 = "sclaw3"
replacement9Class0 = "sclaw3"
replacement10Class0 = "sclaw3"
replacement11Class0 = "sclaw3"
replacement12Class0 = "ssharptooth"        // Bombers
replacement13Class0 = "ssharptooth"       
replacement14Class0 = "ssharptooth"
replacement15Class0 = "ssharptooth"
replacement16Class0 = "ssharptooth"
replacement17Class0 = "ssharptooth"
replacement18Class0 = "ssharptooth"       
replacement19Class0 = "ssharptooth"       
replacement20Class0 = "ssharptooth"
replacement21Class0 = "ssharptooth"
replacement22Class0 = "ssharptooth"
replacement23Class0 = "ssharptooth"
replacement24Class0 = "scvb0"        // Fighterless Carrier
replacementCreationType = 3                  // Vessel is reported as separated in Admirals Log
replacementkeepName = 1
replacementKeepOwner = 0     // Disabled so that the carrier is replaced
replacement0Class0Position = 10,10,0
replacement1Class0Position = 10,20,0  
replacement2Class0Position = 10,30,0
replacement3Class0Position = -10,10,0
replacement4Class0Position = -10,20,0  
replacement5Class0Position = -10,30,0
replacement6Class0Position = 10,10,0
replacement7Class0Position = 10,20,0  
replacement8Class0Position = 10,30,0
replacement9Class0Position = -10,10,0
replacement10Class0Position = -10,20,0  
replacement11Class0Position = -10,30,0
replacement12Class0Position = 10,10,0
replacement13Class0Position = 10,20,0  
replacement14Class0Position = 10,30,0
replacement15Class0Position = -10,10,0
replacement16Class0Position = -10,20,0  
replacement17Class0Position = -10,30,0
replacement18Class0Position = 10,10,0
replacement19Class0Position = 10,20,0  
replacement20Class0Position = 10,30,0
replacement21Class0Position = -10,10,0
replacement22Class0Position = -10,20,0  
replacement23Class0Position = -10,30,0 
replacement24Class0Position = 0,0,0
eventFire = "replaceweapon"
hotkeyLabel = "HOTKEY_F6"
posted on February 3rd, 2008, 6:05 am
thats weird love your mod and like to see you using the patch project.

P.S. how did you get the code to be scrollable
posted on February 3rd, 2008, 6:12 am
I used the code tags as an experiment, and it presented it in that nice neat little scrollable box. Very handy.

I'm mainly using the patch to implement fighters, as seen above, and to add buildable hero ships (and limiting the heavier ships and torpedo cruisers so they are not endlessly spammed by using the maxbuild code)
posted on February 3rd, 2008, 12:29 pm
interesting, thanks for reporting james, i will take a look into that matter. actually i never tried to spawn that huge number of vessels and i would have no idea yet why that should cause problems
welcome to the forums btw :)
posted on February 3rd, 2008, 12:48 pm
i have tried to reproduce the bug by copying your odf (instead of your fighters i used other odfs of course) and experienced no problems yet. is this issue 100% reproducable?
posted on February 3rd, 2008, 12:55 pm
Well, I look forwards to a quick resolution, as currently its shot my mod progress in the arse!  :lol:

BTW I am curious, did a quick search for my name on this forum and you mentioned my name twice back in 2003 as being "my friend on a2files". I was just curious as to whether there was some confusion on my part as to the name or whether it really was me you were refering to.

Hmm indeed, after reading your post, when i replace sclaw2 with fdestroy (Akula Class Refit Destroyer) it works fine, but with my Claw Fighters the last two go wrong. Care to venture a guess as to why?
posted on February 3rd, 2008, 1:05 pm
actually i don't remember why i was refering to you in 2003...

hmmm, could you post your claw fighters odfs? maybe that helps then.
we will find a solution, no worries, as long as the issue is reproducable, what it seems to be
posted on February 3rd, 2008, 1:15 pm
Last edited by Squire James on February 3rd, 2008, 1:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Well I have done a little bug hunting of my own and it seems to be linked to the physics file, although why a physic file would cause such a bug I don't know.

Code: Select all
#include "escort.odf"

//Name of Ship class in Ship Display window & in edit mode & tooltip
unitName = "Claw LF"

tooltip = "Claw - Space Superiority Fighter - Long Fang Class"
verboseTooltip = "The Claw fighter is believed to have been originally designed to serve as a

bomber intercept craft in the Sha'Kurian navy. These small craft are over 25% faster than the

Sharptooth bomber, and are far more manuverable. The weapons loadout is very inferior though.

With only a gatling phaser and one missile tube, these small fighters cannot take on a capital

ship and inflict much damage. However, they are easily able to distract the gunners on any ship

to fire upon them instead of the much more dangerous bombers."

//Race which can build ship & starting race of ship
race = "shakurian"

//Amount of time required to build ship
buildTime = 33.0

//Number of officers required to build this ship
officerCost = 1

//Number of crew required to build ship & Starting crew
crewCost = 0

saneCrewLossMethod = 1

//Dilithium Cost to build
dilithiumCost = 357

//Metal Cost to build
metalCost = 35

//Max Shield Strength & Begining Shield Strength <500
maxHealth = 10

maxShields = 10

// Hitpoints

shieldGeneratorHitPoints = 0
enginesHitPoints = 10
weaponsHitPoints = 10
lifeSupportHitPoints = 10
sensorsHitPoints = 10

//Rate at which shield recharges (points per second... we think)
shieldRate = 0

// Klingon Standard Sensors
rangeScan = 600.0f

//Maximum Value of Special Energy
maxSpecialEnergy = 100

//Rate at which special energy recharges (points per second... we think)
specialEnergyRate = 0


//Possible Craft Names
possibleCraftNames =


// Phaser G 1
weapon1 = "sFbphas"
weaponHardpoints1 = "hp01"

// Phaser G 1
weapon2 = "sFbphas2"
weaponHardpoints2 = "hp01"

// Phaser G 1
weapon3 = "sFbphas3"
weaponHardpoints3 = "hp01"

// Ballistic Projectile Launcher
weapon4 = "gBP"
weaponHardpoints4 = "hp02"
// Dock
weapon5 = "gsfighterR2"
weaponHardpoints5 = "hp01"

// Hardpoints to hit for various systems and other locations.
enginesTargetHardpoints = "hp01" 
lifeSupportTargetHardpoints = "hp01"
weaponsTargetHardpoints = "hp01"
shieldGeneratorTargetHardpoints = "hp01"
sensorsTargetHardpoints = "hp01"
hullTargetHardpoints = "hp01"
criticalTargetHardpoints = "hp01"

//AI system parameters
//These parameters influence how the AI evaluates and compares craft.

//An abstract number that represents how much extra strength must be
//used to attack this craft due to its weapons.
// (0.0=no weapons, 0.5 = average weapons, 1.0=many good weapons)
attackPower = 0.10f

//The normalized intrinsic value of a target.  High value craft make good
//attack targets. (0.0=lowest value, 1.0=highest value)
intrinsicValue = 0.15f


//The multiplier for the delay between shots for weapons while in yellow status
weaponYellow = 1.0f

//The multiplier for the delay between shots for weapons while in red status
weaponRed = 0.75f

// Obsolete, use hotkeyLabel
// keymapLabel = "kling_scout"
hotkeyLabel = "HOTKEY_F1"

physicsFile = "sclawphys.odf"

ScaleSOD = 1
baseName = "shakfig1"

// Impulse Sound
//ambientSound = "Klnimp.wav"

EDIT: IT seems telling it to change physics file works but only if you tell the ships to move the moment they are created. For example, pressing the launch button then telling the newly created and already selected fighters and carrier to move works. But, double clicking on the fighters to select only them produces the afformentioned bug.

However, it seems the A2 Fusion code was not designed to deal with more than a certain number of parts (8 i'd wager) and 12 just makes the ships hang around in sheet formation rather than fuse back together. I know thats not your error, but a limitation none the less.
posted on February 3rd, 2008, 1:20 pm
yes, the fusion weapon is the most complicated weapon in the game (code-wise) and to fix it alot coding would be needed. it has it's own formation class, it has it's own vessel ai class and of course it doesn't like to deal with anything else than the galaxy and the fusion cube...thats why i haven't touched it yet..
posted on February 3rd, 2008, 1:27 pm
Well, back to the ReplaceWeapon. If it set the values down to the same as my 6 ship formation all is well again, it just hates the 12 and 24 ship versions. I'd hazard a guess at this being a similar limitation (no more than 8 parts?)
posted on February 3rd, 2008, 2:03 pm
hm, there is no limitation in the replaceweapon. i have written it from the ground up.. i am still trying to reproduce this problem you are experiencing, but no luck yet. if nothing else helps, you can send me your mod if you like so that i can to solve the issue directly.

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