Star Trek Armada II - Requesting Modding Help & Crashing Err

Talk about anything related to old versions of Armada.
posted on August 29th, 2010, 5:32 am
Star Trek Armada II - Requesting Modding Help & Crashing Errors Help – Thread 2

In this thread, I will be describing two different crashing errors. Each of the following threads in this part will continue with the other crashing errors in my Star Trek Armada II Mod. Each one will only list two crashing errors. The more important errors will appear in the first threads and then work their way up to the errors that I don’t think are as important but still are important in their own ways.

**********THE CRASHING ERRORS**********

1. This error started on about 8/20/2010 when I edited the USS Defiant NCC 74605 and the Defiant-class to be more like the USS Defiant and her respectful class in Star Trek Deep Space Nine. My goal was and still is to make the Defiant and her class to not have to have the destroy.odf and their included file but to make them more like what Captain Sisko called them, after all the Defiant and her class are listed as an Escort vessel but they are unofficially a warship. So I created a new ODF file using the romdread.odf file that I got from another mod. The new ODF file I’ve created is called warship.odf. The Defiant and her class actually work and perform flawlessly in firefights now and work just fine well up until a point or I wouldn’t be posting this. The moment the Defiant and her class cause a crash is after the ships is on fire, heavily damaged and becomes a derelict vessel, that’s when the game crashes. It happens with my team set as the Federation or even as the AI and it happens in both the campaign and also in Instant Action. NOTE: - The attached .ZIP has the files edited, but they are only the ODF’s and the ships are based on the stock Armada II ships.

2. Since the crashing error above involves a ship, I’ll continue with another ship here so to keep on track. This error involves a hero ship for one of the races that I’ve added to the game, the Tholians. Commander Loskene’s hero ship has a problem with his sounds actually not playing. The Sounds for Commander Loskene aren’t working in my game when his ship is selected no matter what objective or orders he is given. I edited them to be for the Tholians (had to do this for a Klingon ship I got and it worked then) but now it isn’t working for Loskene’s ship. Can you please help me out with getting this ship to work right in my game because without it, the Tholians aren’t really complete.


warship.odf & ships using
(7.63 KiB) Downloaded 214 times
posted on August 29th, 2010, 6:35 am
The more i read about your errors the more I suspect the problem isn't directly related to your modding of individual mods but either to all the mods you have combined or your computer.  Could also be you have some corrupt files as a couple of your errors indicate everything is fine until the game has to load a certain texture or model.

Have you tried running your modded game on a different computer?

Have you tried an absolutely fresh build of your mod, reinstalling from original sources all files?
posted on August 30th, 2010, 3:17 am
loki_999 wrote:The more i read about your errors the more I suspect the problem isn't directly related to your modding of individual mods but either to all the mods you have combined or your computer.  Could also be you have some corrupt files as a couple of your errors indicate everything is fine until the game has to load a certain texture or model.

Have you tried running your modded game on a different computer?

Have you tried an absolutely fresh build of your mod, reinstalling from original sources all files?

I've run my mod on the computers at college through the recent upload to megauplaod for my entire mod and also on my friends computer and I can confirm that its not the computers unless all the computers I have access to have the same specs and problems which the ones at college are Dells and my friend's is a Compaq. Everytime time the problems persist and I even redownloaded the mods that I'm using if I've found an error in my game to make sure the downloads weren't corrupt, that seems to not be the case either.

As I've said before, I'm on a timeline with this being a college project and I can't have set backs of uninststalling and reinstalling the game and then starting over, after this is the last semester of a 2.5 yearss so far of different classes for the same program at IT.
posted on August 30th, 2010, 4:12 am
As i've said before, the timeline is your problem.  You may need to drop features in order to have a finished product in time.

(By the way - this happens more often that you may think in the real world - trust me, i work for a software development company)
posted on September 4th, 2010, 5:40 am
loki_999 wrote:As i've said before, the timeline is your problem.  You may need to drop features in order to have a finished product in time.

(By the way - this happens more often that you may think in the real world - trust me, i work for a software development company)

Because of the fact that I had to submit a project proposal before this project was started, I will get a major point deduction if I stary away from my plans for this mod. Thus all that I am using I have to use. After all, when you're following a pre-set proposal in some cases you maybe able to change it but in this case approval for that has to be given and none is allowed, I have already asked and the answer is I have to stick with my original plan and all has to be included. I can't go against that so I'm asking you all nicely to please give me some advice that doesn't involve unistalling the game, reinstalling it and then starting the whole project over because with my other classes and all the other things in my personal life, there isn't enough time to do that and this project will then suffer because it won't be completed at all.

I'm giving you all your own challenge, test my warship.odf in your game and see what happens, maybe its the ships themselves and not that file. In a stock game I got the same problems so I figured a fireball was missing that wasn't the case because the mod has the corresponing file. If it turns out that the problem is my warship.odf files, maybe someone can help me design a new one, this file is to make the Defiant-class a warship as I originally stated but far stronger than the Battleships, Superships (super.odf) or Special Ships (special.odf). This is to be almost like a dreadnought and one ship should be able to stand up to and destroy a Borg Tactical Cube and 2 -3 to a Tactical Fusion Cube.

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