TCR Mod Pack for Stock STA2

Talk about anything related to old versions of Armada.
posted on July 27th, 2010, 9:58 pm
Last edited by TChapman500 on October 8th, 2010, 4:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
This mod pack will modify various things for the stock STA2 version.

The Borg are going to be made a bit more realistic.  Using only the scout cube, probe (2 variations), sphere (3 variations), cube (3 variations), and the diamond for the combat vessels, these vessels will have semi-improved weapons, improved armor and shielding, and new station and vessel models.  The Borg will now have a super weapon.  The Borg are now more dependant on the assimilation of ship crews.

The Federation will have some weapon modifications, but most of the modifications will be to the armor and shields.  The ship will be a lot easier to destroy if the shields are out and it will take a little longer for the shields to go out.  Some of the station and vessel models will be redone.

The Romulans will be modified slightly to match the Federation, but with slightly heavier armor.  A couple of models will be redone.  The Romulan super weapon will have more firepower.

The Klingons will mostly have armor and shield upgrades, but they'll depend on numbers to defeat the enemy.  The Klingon super weapon will be enhanced slightly.

The Cardasians will have mostly shield improvements and enhanced weapons.

Species-8472 will have weapons that ignore the shields to make them more realistic.  A player that wants to destroy an 8472 unit will have to either be Species-8472, or have to research nano-probe technology to have effective weapons.

The Tereanan Empire will be added to this pack and will be more powerful than the Borg.  Although the Tereanan weapons ignore shields because they are chroniton based, they still do little damage to Species-8472 and they must be upgraded.

All races are more dependant on Metal and will have weapon improvements to help make the game-play more realistic, but well balanced.  There will be more objects that give resources.

With the exception of the Borg, the techtree will remain unmodified and the stock units will not change except for at the code level.

Okay, here are a list of items I've done so far.

Officer Limit Removed

Here is a list of items to do.

Increase Maximum Planet Population - Crew gain will be reduced dramatically because of this.
Re-balance the ship and station hull and shield strengths - Watch your shield status.  It's now a lot easier to destroy the ship if the shields go out.

Re-balance the ship and station resource costs - All ships and stations will cost some metal to build.  They may or may not cost dilithium or latinum depending on what race you are playing as.

Re-balance the ship and station weapon strength - Support ships will be more important now than they were before.  And you need special upgrades to defeat Species-8472 or even come close to being able to.

Add more resource objects to the game - You can now find resources from unexpected places.

Redo the Borg ship and station models and tech-tree - We are the Borg!  You will be assimilated!  Resistance is futile!  There ships cost more to build and require more time.  But all of their ships are armed now and the stations can now assimilate vessels.  The Borg are now almost totally dependant on assimilation.

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