Technology Assimilator and Patch 1.25

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posted on September 1st, 2010, 7:11 pm
I have an Issue with the Technology Assimilator with Patch 1.25.
Here is the original post on A2 filefront forums.

I know that FO is a priority for you guys right now and will probably not get back to Patch 1.25 but is there anyway that I can fix it or work around it.

Thank you in advance.
posted on September 1st, 2010, 10:40 pm
I checked with Blade, and it seems this is correct as apparently the Tech Assim weapon on the Cube works fine, but when you send an assimilated vessel to the tech assim station it doesn't work fully as it researches the tech pod, but the cube doesn't get the new weapon, plus the ship doesn't decommission.  :sweatdrop:
posted on September 2nd, 2010, 12:21 am
Is there anyway to fix it though or is it very complicated to do.
posted on September 2nd, 2010, 12:28 am
I'm not sure. I'll ask around when the modders I know come back online tomorrow and try to get you an answer then :).
posted on September 2nd, 2010, 12:39 am
Heh, as far as I know, it should work, and if it doesn't I don't know... :sweatdrop:
posted on September 2nd, 2010, 2:16 am
Dominus_Noctis wrote:I'm not sure. I'll ask around when the modders I know come back online tomorrow and try to get you an answer then :).

I appreciate it, It's good to know that this game hasn't died like so many others have. :D
posted on September 2nd, 2010, 9:46 pm
Just letting you know I haven't forgotten - just haven't been able to get in touch with Blade yet today  :sweatdrop: .
posted on September 3rd, 2010, 12:40 am
Ah no worries, it's not the end of the world, i would fine a useful purpose for that station. it's a perfectly good station and i can probably find another use for it if no solution is found.

Thank you
posted on September 3rd, 2010, 2:13 am
Cborg1700 wrote:I have an Issue with the Technology Assimilator with Patch 1.25.
Here is the original post on A2 filefront forums.

I know that FO is a priority for you guys right now and will probably not get back to Patch 1.25 but is there anyway that I can fix it or work around it.

Thank you in advance.

Could this kind of problem cause a crashing error with the AI playing as the Borg or interfere with the campaign?
posted on September 4th, 2010, 4:02 am
jetnova16 wrote:Could this kind of problem cause a crashing error with the AI playing as the Borg or interfere with the campaign?

I wouldn't know about that, but the borg don't use that station except to research the hub and even then they don't fuse the cubes. I haven't played the SP in such a long time I wouldn't know about the campaign.
posted on September 4th, 2010, 4:42 am
Cborg1700 wrote:I wouldn't know about that, but the borg don't use that station except to research the hub and even then they don't fuse the cubes. I haven't played the SP in such a long time I wouldn't know about the campaign.

I will take the liberty of trying to test that out sometime, but I first need to figure out why ever one of my Borg ships are crashing the game after they're damaged, become derelicts, or are about to explode. Since the Dominion and Breen ships are also doing it, I'd have to believe that the changes that I made to increase their Shield/Health HitPoints Values, to make them very high to make them act more like their onscreen counterparts.
posted on September 4th, 2010, 5:31 pm
I also have a question in addition to the one I am waiting for, I have chosen sounds for the Prometheus MVAM mode with the "replaceweapon" label. When I activate the weapon no sound comes out.  Here is the odf for the separation:

wpnName = "Multi Vector Assault Mode"

tooltip = "Multi Vector Assault Mode - Prometheus Class"
verboseTooltip = "Seperates the Prometheus class into three fully armed fighting vessels. Unlike the Galaxy Class seperation the seperate parts can act independent from one another."

// Mark this as a special weapon.
special = 1

//Location of the button in the speed panel
//buttonSlot = 1
buttonSlot = 2

// Priority of button in the speed panel, this is only
// used if it is non-zero.
buttonPriority = 5

//Type of border to use for this button.
//0 = No border.
//1 = Offensive border.
//2 = Defensive border.
buttonBorder = 2

//Programming Stuff DO NOT CHANGE
classLabel = "ReplaceWeapon"

// Played when they separate
firesound = "ggalsep.wav"

// HIT_ALLIES = 1,
hitCondition = 0

//Don't automatically switch to attack mode
switchToAttack = 0

replacement0Class0 = "fphigh"
replacement1Class0 = "fplow"
replacement2Class0 = "fpsaucer"

replacementCreationType = 3 //vessils are reported as separated

replacement0Class0Position = 0,0,0
replacement1Class0Position = 0,0,5
replacement2Class0Position = 0,0,10

replacementkeepName = 1
// Dont speak on attacking, it does special stuff.
speakOnAttack = 0
// Here's what you do say
eventFire = "SaucerSeparation"

hotkeyLabel = "HOTKEY_F6"

Can you add sound to it? is there a special code?

Thanks in advance
posted on September 6th, 2010, 9:25 pm
From each of the modders I talked to it seems that any fix for the Tech Assim would have to come from the developers for  :sweatdrop:
posted on September 7th, 2010, 6:19 pm
I'm not surprised. That's ok, thanks for trying. I will find a way to use that station then let it become a pointless object on my map.
posted on September 7th, 2010, 6:38 pm
No problem, just wish I could have been of more help  :sweatdrop: . Event though this is for A2 vanilla....any chance that you tried to import the Tech Assim into Fleet Ops and seen if it works properly? I'm not sure if Blade/Apoclaydon has done so for his concept A3 mod, but if it doesn't work in FO, then I'm fairly confident Doca would take the time to fix it in the next version of FO.
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