TOS/PRE-TOS Klingon and Romulan stuff?

Talk about anything related to old versions of Armada.
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posted on September 5th, 2010, 8:05 pm
Last edited by Anonymous on September 7th, 2010, 12:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Has anyone seen a good one? You know... a good one? I've been looking for one for Armada 2.
posted on September 6th, 2010, 1:36 am
Are either of these what you are looking for?


boprey (3)_6WY.jpg
posted on September 6th, 2010, 1:51 am
[EXC] 1337_64M3R wrote:Has anyone seen a good one? You know... a good one? I've been looking for one for Armada 2.

I found two versions of the Romulan Bird-of-Prey at Armada2Files. I did a search just for Romulan. There was one for the Romulan Bird-of-Prey seen in Star Trek Enterprise (the Pre-TOS Version) and then they also had the one seen in Star Trek TOS too. They were respectivly named, they should be easy to find, but here are the two links to the ones I've choosen for my mod:

TOS Romulan Bird-of-Prey
Romulan TOS BoP Download, Star Trek: Armada 2 Ships

Star Trek Enterprise (ENT) Romulan Bird-of-Prey.
Romulan Pre-Bird of Prey Download, Star Trek: Armada 2 Ships

Here is also a TMP Romulan Bird-Of-Prey but I'm not using it in my mod:
Romulan Bird of Prey (TMP Era) Download, Star Trek: Armada 2 Ships

I'm not sure if you'd consider them good, but they were the only Romulan Bird-of-Preys I could find for my mod and I haven't been disappointed with them. They are one of the ships in my mod that aren't giving me problems.

Wait, it not any ships giving me problems, those I can fix. The problems with ships are the increased Shield/Health HP Values crashing the game, the Destroy All Weapon and the Warship.odf file.

PS, maybe you can take alook at my threads and try to offer me some help, maybe something better than uninstalling the game and starting over because I'm really on a tight schedule with this mod since its actually for a college game design class and then when complete will be my new personla mod until I decide to release it... if I decide to.
posted on September 6th, 2010, 2:01 am
Adm. Zaxxon wrote:Are either of these what you are looking for?

One of your picture is a great Romulan Bird-of-Prey, looks almost like the one I'm using from the TOS Era, but your second picture isn't even a Bird-of-Prey, its actually a Klingon D-7 Battle Cruiser that the Klingon's shared the designs for with the Romulans. It was never considered a Bird-of-Prey but according to Memory Alpha (the canon star trek site for episodes) the ship was always considered to be a D-7, just a Romulan D-7 instead of a Klingon D-7.
posted on September 7th, 2010, 12:19 pm
Ok... first off I am looking for a Klingon PRE-TOS/TOS BOP. However I am also looking for a real Romulan TMP BOP (the linked one is actually its twin sister; the Centurion Class. If you played SFC1 or ST Shattered Universe, you'd know what the real one looks like. And I play both.)

So far all the versions of the Klingon ones are either retextured versions of later BOP models. Or just rather not at my standards (Doesn't look Klingon enough, the bulky Pre-TOS BOP on FF really just doesn't fit well). If you cannot find the Klingon versions. Then the following would be appreciated:

- TOS/TMP Klingon Cruisers (Other than BOP and D7 clones)
- TOS & TMP Romulan Cruisers (Other than RBOP clones)
- TMP RBOP (Accurately based off of SFC1 or STSU)
- TMP Centurion (I'd like a better model if available; I currently have the one linked a couple posts above)
- TMP Klingon Q'uDach (Insurrection class; seen in STSU)
- TMP Romulan Battleships and Dreadnoughts
- TOS/TMP Klingon Research Stations
- TOS/TMP Romulan Stations
posted on September 7th, 2010, 12:28 pm
[EXC] 1337_64M3R wrote:However I am also looking for a real Romulan TMP BOP

I think i saw someone selling one on eBay....  :lol:
posted on September 7th, 2010, 12:44 pm
loki_999 wrote:I think i saw someone selling one on eBay....  :lol:

Yeah, the only problem is that I saw it. It doesn't work. :lol:

What I meant by real is that it isn't its twin sister.
posted on September 7th, 2010, 3:18 pm
how about any of these?  These, and all of the other ones I posted pics of are from MSFC.  There are a bunch of models and retextures there which aren't available anywhere else.  I"m not quite sure what you are looking for, but if you are a member, you might find something you like.


boprey (2)_T4Q.jpg
posted on September 7th, 2010, 4:23 pm
Adm. Zaxxon wrote:how about any of these?  These, and all of the other ones I posted pics of are from MSFC.  There are a bunch of models and retextures there which aren't available anywhere else.  I"m not quite sure what you are looking for, but if you are a member, you might find something you like.

Ooo... Catalog.  :D Letsee

I'll have 'T4Q', 'Epw', 'E05', 'TB9', IyJa (the selected one), and IyJb (the one behind the selection). It would be a problem since currently I am fighting with a filter not liking MSFC...... hmm... do users have permission to distribute via email? ??? If so you can simply guarantee any and all owners that re-distribution via other sites will not occur. I am looking for these for a personal mod and nothing more. However, if you can. See what they have in terms of TMP RBOP  and Centurions.

I guess I am troubling you too much Zaxx. Man I am a nag even though I try not to be one.  :sweatdrop:
posted on September 7th, 2010, 8:32 pm
Actually, passing the mods to non MSFC members is not allowed.  :sweatdrop:  Its odd that a browser is blocking it, maybe its because it has the extension .au? 

As far as RBOP's youwould have to show me a picture of what you are looking for.  I am not quite sure what a TMP romie BOP would look like.
posted on September 7th, 2010, 8:34 pm
Adm. Zaxxon wrote:maybe its because it has the extension .au? 

lol nobody loves ausfags :lol:
posted on September 7th, 2010, 8:36 pm
posted on September 8th, 2010, 12:03 am
[EXC] 1337_64M3R wrote:Ok... first off I am looking for a Klingon PRE-TOS/TOS BOP. However I am also looking for a real Romulan TMP BOP (the linked one is actually its twin sister; the Centurion Class. If you played SFC1 or ST Shattered Universe, you'd know what the real one looks like. And I play both.)

So far all the versions of the Klingon ones are either retextured versions of later BOP models. Or just rather not at my standards (Doesn't look Klingon enough, the bulky Pre-TOS BOP on FF really just doesn't fit well). If you cannot find the Klingon versions. Then the following would be appreciated:

- TOS/TMP Klingon Cruisers (Other than BOP and D7 clones)
- TOS & TMP Romulan Cruisers (Other than RBOP clones)
- TMP RBOP (Accurately based off of SFC1 or STSU)
- TMP Centurion (I'd like a better model if available; I currently have the one linked a couple posts above)
- TMP Klingon Q'uDach (Insurrection class; seen in STSU)
- TMP Romulan Battleships and Dreadnoughts
- TOS/TMP Klingon Research Stations
- TOS/TMP Romulan Stations

I'll see what I can do, some of those ships that you mentioend/games I never heard of or even played, can you post a picture of the ship from the other game you mentioned?
posted on September 8th, 2010, 12:25 am
yes!  retro mod for fleet ops!  :D  like a series of unlockable easter egg missions for armada.  :thumbsup:

posted on September 8th, 2010, 12:19 pm
jetnova16 wrote:I'll see what I can do, some of those ships that you mentioend/games I never heard of or even played, can you post a picture of the ship from the other game you mentioned?

Well, google searches have turned negative. I'll have to take photos off of my TV and upload it here. Soon.
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