New Races ?

You feel like a battlecruiser is too weak or a race too strong? Go ahead and discuss it here :)
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posted on February 21st, 2014, 10:26 am
And the Organians are incorporeal ;)
posted on February 21st, 2014, 11:24 am
Squire James wrote:And the Organians are incorporeal ;)

Overpowered and non-corporeal, they're like Q with actual names.
posted on March 30th, 2014, 5:14 am
Who knows..the Organians might even be from the Q Continuum... some might even consider Trelane and his parents members of the Q. The book 'Q Squared' explains this.
posted on April 5th, 2014, 10:12 am
I too like the Cardassians, one of my favourites along with the Klingons, Dominion and Andorians That being the Alpha/Beta/Gamma Quadrant species don't get me started on the Delta Quadrant, too many to list there. :lol:

The dev's have stated in the past the Cardassians don't really fit into their storyline much, not enough for a faction or Dominion avatar. TUN is making a mod for FO that adds a Cardassian faction, you could always convert Dan's Cardassian Full Race mod to FO. It can be found on A2files.

My own mod will be having a TMP Cardassian race to. So while it's not an official FO faction many mods are/will be available at one point that will add them in. Just remember modding is what got us FO and what has kept the community alive since 1998, if the game was never modable I doubt A2 would have ever been made.
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