Question for all the races

You feel like a battlecruiser is too weak or a race too strong? Go ahead and discuss it here :)
posted on April 22nd, 2011, 4:56 pm
Are we going to see an anti fighter or two cruiser or destroyer for each fleet with point defence phasers or something dedicated to sniping fighters for the most part. At the point fighter users are pretty much borking balance in dominion on dominion at the very minimum. I could be wrong tho.
posted on April 22nd, 2011, 5:00 pm
The Serkas and Perimeter slaughter fighters.
posted on April 22nd, 2011, 5:01 pm
carriers are strong but they arent unbeatable.

borg have the beam sphere which takes half damage from the fighters.

boggz showed us sabre spam works to kite them at long range.

currently anything with ablative armour will tank the fighters amazingly as they are bugged to count as short range (personally i'd leave this as the fighters seem like they would be short range to me). so the common klink vorcha spam will tank them.

dominion have their own fighters :P

roms can try leahvals for auto repairing away the damage fighters do. they put out a lot of dps, but they put it out evenly, not in 1 big gulp, so auto repair/regen specials will help. leahvals also do extra damage to the carrier itself and have a special for taking them down before they can run.
posted on April 22nd, 2011, 5:36 pm
If you tech up to sovvies they will do great.....

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