Romulans - Talon Refit

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posted on October 3rd, 2010, 2:30 am
Does anyone else feel these scouts are overpowered versus Klingons? What could be done to fix this?

I believe a speed reduction once the scouts are refitted would partially solve this, say from 180 to 120.
posted on October 3rd, 2010, 2:51 am
No, I don't feel that :D.

  They can't cloak themselves.  I look at them as free decloakers to steal :badgrin:
posted on October 3rd, 2010, 3:11 am
Can't say I really agree either  :sweatdrop: . It's a strong ability - if used super freaking well, but it's quite hard to use it that well. Not only do you have to stay on top of those enemy ships and keep your ships there too, but it will give away your position if you are on the offensive and cloaked, it costs a fair amount, and it deprives you of a scout.
posted on October 3rd, 2010, 5:28 am
Yeah, the tachyon ping mechanic already makes cloak detect...balanced.  Talon refits NEED their speed desperately so they can catch enemies without sitting in the middle of everything the whole time.  And I think they cost more than a generix refit.
posted on October 3rd, 2010, 5:52 am
Yep.  You're almost purchasing another scout, and all the above reasons are really good.  On the flip side since this is roms vs klingons, the klingons can have their base unit deny cloak retreats for ships.  We see a great example of it in the last replay, where boggz uses brels to keep a D'deridex from slipping away and makes the kill.  I must say, cloak detection is really nice right now, and it will be even better once races like the borg get more cloak detect on their side. ^-^
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posted on October 3rd, 2010, 10:11 pm
Mal wrote:...On the flip side since this is roms vs klingons, the klingons can have their base unit deny cloak retreats for ships.  We see a great example of it in the last replay, where boggz uses brels to keep a D'deridex from slipping away and makes the kill. ...

Yes, but B'rels are fairly weak ships, and in my experience are usually the first to go down in battle, long before the enemy retreats. Do you happen to have a link to the replay?
posted on October 3rd, 2010, 10:14 pm
ketchup_chips wrote:Yes, but B'rels are fairly weak ships, and in my experience are usually the first to go down in battle, long before the enemy retreats. Do you happen to have a link to the replay?

keep some cloaked after early game. then decloak when enemy runs.

later on u can make vutpa too, which are awesome.
posted on October 3rd, 2010, 11:04 pm
You can build more than one brel, yes? :blush:

And they have this cool special that makes them sturdier.  Not to mention the Brel isn't the only ship with manual targeting that the Klingons have. ^-^
posted on October 3rd, 2010, 11:11 pm
Mal wrote:You can build more than one brel, yes? :blush:

And they have this cool special that makes them sturdier.  Not to mention the Brel isn't the only ship with manual targeting that the Klingons have. ^-^

you dont mention that they can also make themselves invisible, for later times when their shields/armour are not enough. plus they are fast and can run away and hide like cowards :P
posted on October 3rd, 2010, 11:17 pm
You pretty much did that in the post above me.  You already mentioned the vutpa, but I didn't see that when I read it the first time. :blush:

Anyway, to sum it all up I would contend that the talon refit is fine, and that cloaking and detection are generally fine, with the small corrections coming to a patch near you. ^-^
posted on October 4th, 2010, 11:16 am
Mal wrote:You pretty much did that in the post above me.  You already mentioned the vutpa, but I didn't see that when I read it the first time. :blush:

i know, i was joking, just to reinforce how obvious the points are.
posted on October 11th, 2010, 12:24 am
Talon refit, if used by a very good player, is extremely hard to stop. Easy to avoid getting pinged before battle starts, but once you need to engage you have to kill the Talon, and in the time it takes to go down, a Rom fleet equal to yours will uncloak behind you. With the decloak firing rate boost, this results in a decision to fight a battle that you are disadvantaged at, or run. If you run, and the Talon wasn't killed earlier, or a second Talon comes in, then you will not escape. Talons are fast enuff that thy can easily escape before short-ranged klingons will kill them.
The problem is just that a single volley from 6 ships won't finish off a Talon (13 defense, more than a B'rel), so the Roms will be able to engage you in battle before the Talon is dead.

I would like a small change, less of a defensive value on the Talon refit.
posted on October 11th, 2010, 12:48 am
Nebula_Class_Ftw wrote:I would like a small change, less of a defensive value on the Talon refit.

But they're so expensive!  :pinch:
  I only find them a problem once the opponent is already winning because they are more confident in moving the scout around haphazardly.

Oh, and another thing.  If they are making excellent use of talon refits ... DON'T cloak  :innocent:.  You'll have to just rely on those trusty shields and hulls of yours :D
posted on October 11th, 2010, 1:43 am
Yes, meet them as a warrior, do not skulk about like some sniveling Romulan!
posted on October 22nd, 2010, 10:47 pm
Yes its overpowered when facing Dom, Boggz, and I. :D

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