Where Do You Change Individual Ship Spawn Rates?
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posted on September 22nd, 2013, 6:49 am
I know how to change the global ship spawn rates but was wondering where you can change individual races. Obviously I want to make the Romulan and Dominion less super spammy on Merciless mode. Thanks in advance. 

posted on September 22nd, 2013, 9:34 am
nathanj wrote:I know how to change the global ship spawn rates but was wondering where you can change individual races. Obviously I want to make the Romulan and Dominion less super spammy on Merciless mode. Thanks in advance.
ai build lists define how the ai behaves:
http://guide.fleetops.net/guide/modding ... telligence
the reason dominion can spam so much isn't because they are chosen to be hard, all ai players don't need supply, dominion ships are balanced to cost a lot of supply, hence the dominion ai gets all its ships cheaper than a fed ai with the same settings.
posted on September 22nd, 2013, 3:27 pm
I read through the link and unless I missed it I didn't see a setting for individual supply levels. Is that something you have to change every individual ship or is there a master supply setting for Dominion and Romulans?
posted on September 22nd, 2013, 5:16 pm
nathanj wrote:I read through the link and unless I missed it I didn't see a setting for individual supply levels. Is that something you have to change every individual ship or is there a master supply setting for Dominion and Romulans?
the supply costs of each unit are set in the odfs. modifying all of those would be incredibly time consuming.
the way the supply for the ai works is that every second the ai player is given large amounts of supply. basically giving them an infinite stock of it. i don't know if there's a setting to alter this.
posted on September 22nd, 2013, 5:29 pm
Nuts..........its impossible to play a 4 v 4 fed/klingon vs rom/dom game. The klingons get a good early start but it isnt enough and eventually there are tons of romulans and dominions all over the map. The only maps I can win on are choke point maps which I don't normally like playing on because they are too easy. The open maps are just plain suicide though against a rom/dom AI. 

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