2 Questions: Station Footprints and AI Construction Habbits

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posted on July 9th, 2009, 9:11 pm
Just a couple questions: First I've noticed with some consternation that whenever I play against any AI, it always goes the same way. That is to say they will spam build only ships from their basic shipyard. I've seen federation AI's build 5 basic yards and one or two advanced ones, they spam Akiras, Intrepids, etc but the advanced yards just sit there idle doing nothing until I destroy them.

Duration of the game doesn't seem to make any difference. Nor does resource settings, I've turtled long enough to destroy 4 thousand ships and never seen an enemy battle ship(with one exception being once in in rare while I'll get a Klingon opponent that will make Neg'Vars).

I realize FO has long had an issue in multiplayer balance where it's actually been near pointless to build anything bigger then the basic ships, maybe the AI is prioritizing ship construction this way for the same reason. But it gets a bit...stale to never see the bigger, supposedly badder ships. (I've actually never once seen a decent at all from me playing feds or fighting them). Is there any way to fix or change this behavior?

Second question is more of an idea I've wished FO had for awhile: In several of the new RTS games there's the option when selecting where to place a building- to rotate it's "footprint" so that it builds facing the direction you wish it too. Such an option is often very helpful when constructing a defensible base, and even more valuable in small maps where every bit of space is valuable. I have a feeling it might be a technical limitation, but it would be a nice addition.
posted on July 9th, 2009, 9:22 pm
Well... perhaps it was the map you were playing. I've noticed that when the AI has no room to expand, it doesn't build advanced ships too often. And what difficulty are you playing? That counts a lot.

I often play maps like Battlepit or High Energy against 1-3 merciless AIs and they use battleships. Every wave has many small ships but also an insane amount of battleships. E.g. a dominion opponent has no problem with sending 15-30 V-13 Battleships in one wave.
posted on July 9th, 2009, 9:29 pm
Yes the AI must be able to proceed through its build lists...if it dosent have the room to build an item it will get stuck there and just build ships from its curent phase....
posted on July 9th, 2009, 9:32 pm
I always play the large 8 player maps even if I'm not playing with 8 opponents. But I've done them all. I've played 1v1 or 1v7. I haven't actually updated FO in awhile..so I don't have a merciless setting only "easy-hard" and I always use hard as anything less just has the AI sitting in its base doing almost nothing.
posted on July 9th, 2009, 9:36 pm
The latest version of FO is 3.0.7.
Try to update it, but I didn't have any problems with AI before the "merciless" difficulty.
posted on July 9th, 2009, 9:50 pm
Last edited by Anonymous on July 9th, 2009, 9:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
just a tip, if your going to report a bug or something (I'd call this a bug) only report if your using the latest version as allot of times for programs, games, mods, ect they stop supporting the older versions and will more or less ignore you if your using an older version, and by support I mean help you with your problems with the version your using, sorry but its just the truth with almost all products.

oh and I like your idea with rotating buildings and I'v wanted it since A1, also I was thinking in newer games they are going back to a grid building style rather then fine tuning like in armada and their are blocks that you build in and each building has a set block size and then your buildings all fit into a nice block setup and I prefer that to the free forum/fine tuning like armada is currently set up.
posted on July 9th, 2009, 9:58 pm
I didn't really consider this a bug. they still fight and fight hard. they just spam only the starter units. Something I would think is less of a bug and more of a quirky AI behaviour.

Just because its an older version doesn't mean someone may not have a possible suggestion to fix it, and the only way to know that is to ask.
posted on July 9th, 2009, 10:06 pm
I think you should download the latest version of FO a try that.
posted on July 9th, 2009, 10:10 pm
I'm downloading it now. I hadn't due to an unstable connection and the fact that not all the new changes seem very appealing. but I guess well see.

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