A call to arms!

Which race do you like most? What do you like - what you don't like? Discuss it here.
posted on May 14th, 2011, 7:14 am
Last edited by Redshirt on May 14th, 2011, 8:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
Well, I'm not sure exactly where to put this, so 'general' will have to do.

As you're probably aware, Fleet Operations' list of Klingon ship names is just all of the original A2 names piled into a single list. You might have even noticed that the names are also absolutely terrible. It's pretty clear that the folks at Mad Doc/Activision gave up trying to put together legitimate Klingon names after the first, like, three tries.

Thing is, I can't really blame them; it's not like the Fleet Ops team has done any better, right? Well, there's a pretty good reason for this. Namely, the Klingon language is a pain in the ass. To their credit, they have used the Klingon Dictionary to grab simple words to name new ship classes after. This has worked well in some cases, but I'm sure some Klingon captain somewhere must be wondering why his photon-rack-equipped troopship is a Cafeteria-class* battleship.

But that issue is minor compared to the absolute train wreck that came with Stock. So I figured that, since I have a nice shiny copy (well, old beat up copy) of the Klingon Dictionary sitting around, I would work at piecing together a new and improved list of grammatically-correct Klingon names so that DOCa and Optec could have the goods without having to suffer for them. This worked just fine until the computer I was using died and took the list to the grave. Ten months later, I've decided to give it another go. The work will be slow and tedious since I can't actually speak (or read) Klingon, but I should be able to wrestle up at least 300 names.

The thing is that my goal is to make it feasible for each class to have a unique nameset, and 300 isn't nearly enough. This is where you guys come in!

The thing with the dictionary is that it's only helpful when it comes to actual words and grammatical constructs, but the Klingons would also name their ships after famous individuals and worlds within their Empire. Obviously, only a fews of these will be found in documented Star Trek canon.

You know what that means? We get to make up the rest! In fact, what I want you guys to do is to spam this thread with the names of important Klingon historical figures and colonies that Trek has overlooked, and I'll convert them to tlhIngon Hol and hopefully they'll be painted on the hull of a Klingon vessel in a forthcoming version.

Seriously, get at it! And remember, veQDuj 'oH Dujlij'e'!

* The Vutpa' class translates as 'galley'. The Fleet Ops team clearly meant to name it after the type of naval vessel, but the Klingon Dictionary almost certainly means 'galley' in the sense of a cafeteria or mess hall.
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posted on May 14th, 2011, 8:21 am
Last edited by _Zap_ on May 14th, 2011, 11:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

You have an honorable duty to fulfill.

*grabs his klingon dictionaries*


Here's a list of what i found appropiate from the additional vocabulary from "klingon for advanced".

To the vutpa' issue:
it stands for the galley as ship type as well as for the galley at which you make food, says my into german translated book. but maybe they translated it wrong?

luSpet means "black hole" by the way :D

Code: Select all
IKS 'aqtu'
IKS mellota'
IKS tlhIngan
IKS chun'Dab
IKS naQjej
IKS SangwI'
IKS qagh
IKS qutluch
IKS betleH
IKS ngal
IKS 'aqleH
IKS wornagh
IKS ta'
IKS tlham
IKS bod
IKS Huy'Dung
IKS jargh
IKS no''och
IKS tuqvol
IKS 'aQlo'
IKS DuqwI'
IKS chetvI'
IKS tlhevjaQ
IKS charghwI'
IKS yan
IKS tlhorgh
IKS mIl'oD
IKS raHta'
IKS norgh
IKS naHlet
IKS qajunpaQ
IKS meqleH
IKS vaHbo'
IKS 'etlh
IKS wamwI'
IKS ghIntaq
IKS Sech
IKS qul'mI'wI'
IKS neHjaj
IKS Daqtagh
IKS 'obmaQ
IKS 'alngegh
IKS ghIt
posted on May 14th, 2011, 11:31 am
Look up some of these:
Serpent, Dragon, Beast etc.
These would suit the smaller ships I think.
And then for large ships, things like:
Unstoppable, Undeniable, Fortress, Abomination, Predator etc.
posted on May 14th, 2011, 7:12 pm
Haemoclysm wrote:Look up some of these:
Serpent, Dragon, Beast etc.
These would suit the smaller ships I think.
And then for large ships, things like:
Unstoppable, Undeniable, Fortress, Abomination, Predator etc.

Very few of those have direct translations, hence using the names of actual Klingons (albeit ones we're making up) to fill in the rest.

_Zap_ wrote:
To the vutpa' issue:
it stands for the galley as ship type as well as for the galley at which you make food, says my into german translated book. but maybe they translated it wrong?

That seems to be the case. In English, it just says 'galley'; where the German team went wrong is that it assumed that the words would be cognates in Klingon like they are in English - even though there's no reason for them to be.
posted on May 14th, 2011, 7:50 pm
This is something I did a very long time ago: armada2.filefront.com/file/More_Klingon_Ship_Names;69901. It is a copy of the Klingon names from SFC I and SFC II reformatted for A2. It isn't great but there may be one or two in there which you'll be able to use. Hope they help.
posted on May 14th, 2011, 11:50 pm
Very nice! Please, keep it coming! It's more useful for me and the dev team than you can imagine... ;)
I'd also be pleaset to meet someone on teamspeak so we could go through the pronunciation of the ship names or even more Klingon expressions and sentences. I'm sorry, I can't give further details on that aspect at this time. But what I can say is that there are things on to do.

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