A couple of questions...

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posted on July 5th, 2007, 6:35 pm
Couple of questions from the newbie:

1) What does System represent?
2) How does Life Support help you (it's an upgrade for the Dominion)?
3) Opinion sought: is Improving Weapons and Improving Shielding really worth it?  It seems awfully expensive...
4) Has anyone playing the Federation tried going straight for Starfleet Command and start building Credit-only ships?
5) Has anyone used a group of multiple Avalons in combat?  Effective?

Thanks for your patience!

Dr. Lazarus
User avatar
posted on July 5th, 2007, 7:46 pm
1)The system represents the thing of interest, e.g. heat engine, chemical reaction vessel. This is distinct from the surroundings, which may receive dissipated energy if necessary.  :thumbsup:

2)Life support helps one to breath and not die, so that one can play more Fleet Operations

3)Improving shields and weapons is worth it. Screw the cost, your enemy will get the upgrades anyway, then will kick your ass. 

4)I tried credit only ships once. I never tried again...  :crybaby:

5)To my knowledge, no one has used multiple avalons in combat. Actually, I think Worf did it once, and he got his butt kicked.

I thank you for thanking me for my patience. In fact, I thank myself. Regularly.  :woot:

Kind Regards,

The Doctor
posted on July 5th, 2007, 8:38 pm
To the first two questions I haven't got an answer neither.

Improving your technology is as useful as the Doc pointed out. If you don't, you're screwed. If you do and fast enough you have a significant advantage.

Credit only ships are quite nice if you manage to get SFC real fast. But they are only useful until your opponent is still building his first available ships and is still far away from spamming.

Multiple Avalons are quite ineffective. Spend your credits on Phalanx-class ships - if you do have time - or use the Galaxies and their special ability. One Avalon is really enough.

I hope I could help, too.
I'd like to read an answer for questions 1 and 2. :)
posted on August 2nd, 2007, 2:57 am
yah.  the Avalons have a big weak point.  The fighters just don't get to the targets fast enough.  the ships r also really dumb and waste their energy (i.e. fighters) on the first thing that hits their sights.

is there any chance of a redesign that turns the fighters into a non target special weapon that hits the closest enemies till it runs outta energy?

i always though system value meant that it took longer for u to lose systems such as sensors/engines
posted on August 7th, 2007, 11:27 pm
wasnt there a thread that explained system a while back?

i thought it was just how overal good the ship was?
posted on August 7th, 2007, 11:58 pm
Yeah, something like that: it's a combination of how quickly it regenerates special energy, as well as all systems really; after being damaged etc... So support ships and really powerful ones generally have higher system values than the smaller ships with limited abilities. I think that's it... (can't remember the thread though)

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