A most unusal bug.

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posted on August 9th, 2009, 12:41 am
I thought I may's well post this, although it dosen't need fixing, or ever will, really.

When V 3.0.7 came out, I installed it and got some 14 digit version number. I figured it was just because it was a pre-release, and people usualy don't put effort in to such small details with a release like that, to get it out sooner... the FO team an exeption apperently :thumbsup:

I get into a game, and I have 4 buildable mixed tech yards at the start with no allies. I build one and research mixed tech, and when it was done, I could research it again, but also could make the other ships. I also had the rest of the tech tree automaticaly available. I can't remember if I could make the  MT ships before reserching, miners with places to go and whatnot.

I go to the repair ships, and when the full tool tip pops up, I see no repair ships limit. Go to starfleet command and no special buildings limit. Go to warp in, the time would be set, but no ships. Again with decent class, and it comes in, but leaves as soon as it got there.

So basicaly all limits were set to infinity, I could research techs infinite ammounts of times, and the AI had no such advantages, being pre programmed in everything.

(I also noticed that AI do not have the timer reset when warping in with SC)
posted on August 9th, 2009, 1:07 am
I think what you have there is the very first pre-3.0.7 patch for multiplayer sync issues. Try downloading the full 3.0.7 patch and install that.
posted on August 9th, 2009, 2:06 pm
Oh, I guess I did not write I just re installed and fixed it that day... It works now. Just thought I'd write about it.
posted on August 9th, 2009, 2:07 pm
Last edited by DOCa Cola on August 9th, 2009, 2:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
yes, the pre-release 3.0.7 version had several issues that were solved during it's test phase including the ones you described. just download and install 3.0.7 from the download section over your current installation.

edit: whoops :) guess i posted to slow
posted on August 10th, 2009, 4:59 pm
Locutus wrote:I thought I may's well post this, although it dosen't need fixing, or ever will, really.

When V 3.0.7 came out, I installed it and got some 14 digit version number. I figured it was just because it was a pre-release, and people usualy don't put effort in to such small details with a release like that, to get it out sooner... the FO team an exeption apperently :thumbsup:

I get into a game, and I have 4 buildable mixed tech yards at the start with no allies. I build one and research mixed tech, and when it was done, I could research it again, but also could make the other ships. I also had the rest of the tech tree automaticaly available. I can't remember if I could make the  MT ships before reserching, miners with places to go and whatnot.

I go to the repair ships, and when the full tool tip pops up, I see no repair ships limit. Go to starfleet command and no special buildings limit. Go to warp in, the time would be set, but no ships. Again with decent class, and it comes in, but leaves as soon as it got there.

So basicaly all limits were set to infinity, I could research techs infinite ammounts of times, and the AI had no such advantages, being pre programmed in everything.

(I also noticed that AI do not have the timer reset when warping in with SC)

Man full tech tree and no limit on repair ships whats to complain about  :lol:
posted on August 11th, 2009, 1:41 am
No online matches and beating the bot everytime, but it was cool for a while :)

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