Any way to queue commands?

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posted on May 5th, 2009, 12:18 pm
I understand Armada is an old game, but wondering if there is any way to queue up commands? Like the usual shift-click queue commands in newer RTS'.
posted on May 5th, 2009, 3:05 pm
you mean for moving vessels or building stations? no that is not possible.
btw. which rts games besides supreme commander have this feature?
posted on May 5th, 2009, 4:44 pm
you are able to create fleets, but you probably already knew that.  Other than that the only thing that is close would be the hotkeys. 
posted on May 5th, 2009, 4:56 pm
One of the Age of Empires used to have it. While your villager was selected you held shift and told him to build different things. He would start with the first one and move through his queue
posted on May 5th, 2009, 5:03 pm
DOCa Cola wrote:you mean for moving vessels or building stations? no that is not possible.
btw. which rts games besides supreme commander have this feature?

Most RTS i've played (AoE series, C&C Generals and Zero Hour, LotR BFME I & II, Sins of a Solar Empire & Entrenchment) have the ability to order multiple unit commands (waypoints) by holding down the shift button.

This is increadibly useful given that it allows you to order groups of long ranged units to skirt round the edge of an enemy base, while short ones can be ordered to do jousting type passes...

That in turn allows you to focus on ship health and pull out heavily damaged ones for repair....
posted on May 5th, 2009, 5:33 pm
oh, nice, didn't knew that sins of a solar empire also has this feature. anyway, can't be done for armada even if i also would like have it sometimes.
posted on May 5th, 2009, 5:37 pm
What do you mean, not possible?

You can issue waypoints for ships by tab+clicking.

It's srange though, I can definitely remember seeing the waypoint lines go curved (you'll know what I mean if you've seen it too) and being able to loop a path (so unit's follow it infinitely), but that doesn't seem to work...

Aha! Unless, that happens if you tab+click when issuing a "patrol" command. I'll go check.
posted on May 5th, 2009, 5:45 pm
woa, great, didn't knew that  :thumbsup: i am modding this game for years now and still haven't seen all of it yet :)
posted on May 5th, 2009, 5:54 pm
exodus_499 wrote:What do you mean, not possible?

You can issue waypoints for ships by tab+clicking.

It's srange though, I can definitely remember seeing the waypoint lines go curved (you'll know what I mean if you've seen it too) and being able to loop a path (so unit's follow it infinitely), but that doesn't seem to work...

Aha! Unless, that happens if you tab+click when issuing a "patrol" command. I'll go check.

Ahhhhh, i've been doing tab click... This is fantastic!! Thank you for the info!
posted on May 5th, 2009, 5:55 pm
you may have seen the loop path from the asteroids or the camera patches from the campaign in map edit mode?
posted on May 5th, 2009, 6:15 pm
DOCa Cola wrote:you may have seen the loop path from the asteroids or the camera patches from the campaign in map edit mode?

I've been playing this game for years and I've never even opened the map editor! :lol:
posted on May 5th, 2009, 6:24 pm
oh, ok  :lol: don't know then, there may be even more forgotten miracles waiting in armada :P
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posted on May 5th, 2009, 6:24 pm
DOCa Cola wrote:you mean for moving vessels or building stations? no that is not possible.
btw. which rts games besides supreme commander have this feature?

total annihilation ^^ but i loved that feature
posted on May 5th, 2009, 6:38 pm
Actium wrote:total annihilation ^^ but i loved that feature

Age of Empires as well... (At least II onwards)

But the way structures are built is different - you place the "foundation" anywhere, then tell (whether automatically or manually) the worker-person to move to it's position and construct the building. Then the worker automatically moves onto the next nearest foundation.
posted on May 5th, 2009, 7:42 pm
yes, I like that, maybe you could set holograms in the place of future structures, and it cost extra supplies to do it.  Maybe 1 supply every 10 seconds?
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