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Question: What Assimilation effect should be used?

Total votes: 20
A1 METHOD - Modelled borg "bits" appear on the ship.0 votes (0%)
A2 METHOD - Ship texture changes to look more borg-like3 votes (15%)
BOTH - Use a combination of both methods17 votes (85%)
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posted on August 21st, 2006, 4:46 pm
Last edited by T-Man on August 21st, 2006, 4:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Since the Borg are being rebuilt, it thought this a good time to make this poll.

I have been thinking this lately about which method of representing assimilated vessels looks the best. There are two methods, first being the A1 method used in previous FO versions, where "bits" with borg texture appear on the ship. However, i feel that this method looks slightly primitive and ugly sometimes, especially with the big fat lumps on larger ships....

...which is why i like the A2 method, where the texture itself actually changed to look more "borgy". I always thought this looked more realistic; it showed that the Borg were truly assimilating the vessel and upgrading systems instead of just bolting on some bits. However, this method does require two seperate textures for each ship (aka more loading time) which i dont think the A1 method needs (since the "bits" are a seperate texture and can be used on all models).

Since i can't really decide, i decided to put up this poll to see how everyone else felt about the subject. Which method do you think looks best? Or maybe you think a combination, with lumps and texture changes?

Note: since this is discussing a feature already in FO and not a new idea, i decided not to put it in the "feature request section". However, if the admin's think it should be there, then feel free to yell at me. :lol:
posted on August 21st, 2006, 6:15 pm
Last edited by Anonymous on August 21st, 2006, 7:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I personally like a combination between the 2, that looks best :)
posted on August 28th, 2006, 3:52 pm
I agree, but with a lean towards the A2 method, The borg would need to add mass onto the ship to accomodate their facilities for communication, regenerative subsystems and various upgrades to propulsion and shielding. Those little bits represent additional modules, which makes total sense, but I've never ever liked the look of pure freshly painted white and blue starfleet ships, with the green and metalic retangles, cubes and triangles affixed to them, and they look very good with the texture style of the borg as an add on to the "bits" idea.
posted on August 29th, 2006, 12:25 am
well i think the best way is teh way voyager looked in Scorpion in season 3 and 4 of voyager that worked
posted on August 30th, 2006, 12:27 pm
I concur with 4 of 11.

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