Collective features and assimilation

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posted on July 13th, 2013, 2:23 pm

FIrst of all I was a massive fan of Armada II back in the day and have only just discovered Fleet Operations which is now giving me hours of fun :-) thank you

Now I am new so I could do with having a couple of things cleared up. I am playing instant action as the borg and I am trying to update my tech tree but I have maxed out the collective features (10/10) and was wondering if there was a way to increase the number or If i just have to pick the relative ones and stick with them

Also I am having trouble assimilating enemy vessels and was wondering if there was any tips on the best way to do this :-)

Thanks in advance

posted on July 13th, 2013, 3:24 pm
Hello and welcome :)

To answer your first question, you can't change collective features or increase the cap once you select them. As for assimilating enemies, you want to choose the assimilate avatar. An easy way to drain ships of their crew is to build assimilators with two assimilation modules and a nanite factory module. A few of those and you can drain crew from most ships very quickly. Also building ships with the max number of holding beams, like the pyramid with four holding beam modules or a cube with the max number will help. Researching the collective feature boarding will allow you to instantly transport onto ships with their shields still up. A note with the assimilators as well that after you drain the crew you need to transport over or use a holding beam or boarding to take the ship before the AI claims it back. Also don't forget to concentrate on one enemy at a time as this will speed up the assimilation of enemies.

Hope that helps a bit :) and remember...

Resistance is Futile
:borg: :assimilate:
posted on July 13th, 2013, 3:51 pm
Thanks for the reply

Time to get assimilating I think :-)

Another question, in armada 2 you could build torpedo turrets to defend your area, can you do this in fleet operations?
posted on July 13th, 2013, 4:14 pm
Yes there is a way to build Borg turrets. You have to build a dodecahedron and equip it with a relay module and one other module of your choice. Interception will give more weapons, regeneration more defense, and vinculum gives a cloak detect ping. After the ship is built, you can tell it to build turret. It will move to the area you choose and transform itself into a large stationary turret. You can't turn it back into a ship and you can't control what it attacks. That's the only way for Borg to builds turrets.
posted on July 13th, 2013, 5:22 pm
Unless you open up the map editer and give yourself a conventional turret, the original Borg turret still exists in one of the menus.
posted on July 13th, 2013, 10:51 pm
Thanks for the help guys

I'm looking forward to some good games! feel like a kid all over again lol

Can the non-playable factions ships be assimilated? I ask cause I found a Ferengi ship sitting there, killed off the crew but when I go to beam drones on I appear to just beam on more Ferengi and I don't get the ship
posted on July 13th, 2013, 11:56 pm
denk15 wrote:Can the non-playable factions ships be assimilated? I ask cause I found a Ferengi ship sitting there, killed off the crew but when I go to beam drones on I appear to just beam on more Ferengi and I don't get the ship

nope no player can capture them. if you beam aboard it stays on team 0. this applies to any ship placed on team 0.
posted on July 14th, 2013, 11:16 am
Ok thank you . . . . I really wanted that Ferengi ship lol

I do however have another question! I have captured an enemy construction ship and built the adaption matrix but how do I get access to to the rest of it. I have read the guide

" Note that the Borg need only build their Adaption Matrix to gain access to mixed-technology benefits. Once this is built, the Adaptor chassis can be outfitted with Adaption Modules."

What is the adaptor chassis? can i build improved mix technology ships?
posted on July 14th, 2013, 11:39 am
the adaptor is a borg ship. it is built like a sphere or cube, using the borg uplink. it looks like lore's borg ship from tng: descent.

the mixed tech feature was removed. so you can't install mixed tech, so borg mixed tech is pretty much zero at the moment. you can use the adaption matrix as a repair yard for captured ships, but that's about it.
posted on July 14th, 2013, 4:21 pm
Yes... it's about time I finally deleted that entry all together. The warning 'out of date' appears to have disappeared sometime ago :blush:

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