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posted on April 23rd, 2005, 8:36 pm
I;m just wondering if it's dead or not considering that the last update was at Christmas? Perhaps there were conflicts in your lives. It just seems strange...

posted on April 23rd, 2005, 11:54 pm
opect did make a few post the uther day i think thare mite just be a short time out or thay mite not wont to work on the forum as much from lack of donations.
posted on April 23rd, 2005, 11:57 pm
I doubt it's from a lack of donations, especially since they said their busy with real life ewm...
posted on April 24th, 2005, 12:12 am
i bet if some one donated $200 we whood see the hole fleetops teem agin....
posted on April 24th, 2005, 12:21 am
I doubt it.
posted on April 24th, 2005, 5:59 am
Well ewm, why dont you donate $200 and we will find out.
posted on April 24th, 2005, 12:22 pm
i am pore right naw. dont have 200$ to my name naw i think.
posted on April 24th, 2005, 1:56 pm
just give them time and stop bugging them, FO is NOT dead, and since the mod is free, and it's only their good will, that we even get it, we should give them time, since this is not their job, and i think they have their lives to attend to as well
posted on April 24th, 2005, 2:08 pm
well sed hypercube.
posted on April 24th, 2005, 2:46 pm
FO is not dead, just a bit busy :)
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posted on April 24th, 2005, 4:14 pm
I agree with Hypercube. The FO team is not getting paid for creating this MOD (which i think is better than some modern games!) and should be left to do it at a pace that suits them.
posted on April 24th, 2005, 9:34 pm
You guys obviously have a great product here with community support. So perhaps you should take it a step further. Im talking about getting sponcered and talking to the big wigs about retail. After all they say the only way to get into the gaming industry now is to create something such as a mod, why not go to a publisher and have a few meetings. Of course you would have to talk with Paramount, but I bet you could create this as an "Star Trek Armada 2: Expansion". Just remember, nothings impossible. I know that I would pay atleast 30 (Perhaps 50 :-D ) for this great mod of yours.
posted on April 24th, 2005, 9:53 pm
Well, I relived. I gave up ST:A2 modding when I couldn't that 3d design program for the sprites.
posted on April 25th, 2005, 8:25 pm
You guys obviously have a great product here with community support. So perhaps you should take it a step further. Im talking about getting sponcered and talking to the big wigs about retail. After all they say the only way to get into the gaming industry now is to create something such as a mod, why not go to a publisher and have a few meetings. Of course you would have to talk with Paramount, but I bet you could create this as an "Star Trek Armada 2: Expansion". Just remember, nothings impossible. I know that I would pay atleast 30 (Perhaps 50 :-D ) for this great mod of yours.

i think they would love to, but paramount are mean and would sue there german arses from here to kingdom come, or they would make them pay through there nose for the right to make it, and what with the dying trek market it would not be worth paying i would say well over $50m for the lincense which could bankrupt them if it goes wrong, but yeah it would be cool and they do derserve more, when versio three comes out i am giving them £30 (about what i would have to pay for a game when it comes out anyway, i hope all active members do this aswell.
posted on April 25th, 2005, 9:35 pm
Last edited by Tiberious726 on April 25th, 2005, 9:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
is it a bad sign that i find old games and mods for old games significantly better than current games? (the bad sign would be for the gaming industry not me :) )

example: was decent sratagey game has come out in the past year?

paramont should be paying the fleet ops team for making their product decent, why else would the "action pack" sell???
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