Epic Battles
Which race do you like most? What do you like - what you don't like? Discuss it here.
posted on May 26th, 2003, 5:50 pm
Even more than the bizarre special weapons, my biggest frusteration with Aramda II was the flimsiness of the ships.
Things that added to the feeling of mass:
> multiple systems that could be independently disabled
> repair capabilities
> attack formations (can't wait until those are back!)
> AI (such as retreating when damaged)
Things that distracted from the feeliing of mass:
> Graphics, including ship models, damaged ships modeling, firing, and ship explosions
> Sounds (torp's need a bigger boom, voice aknowledgements of orders sound like overacting kids, not captains)
> Huge swarms of ships (of course, the game is called Armada!)
> Too many of the most powerful ships
> AI, especially around use of special weapons
> Too much use of pulse weapons
> Too few automated support ships (love the shuttles flying around the stations)
> Borg Cubes seemingly made of stiff construction paper!
> Speed of ship construction
> Low cost of ship construction
> Ease of ship destruction
> lack of shuttles in ships, and escape pods
> Speed (too fast) of large ships
> One special power per ship
> Defeated by little turrets
> lack of ability to shift power from one system to another (i.e. it would be cool if retreating ships lost ability to fire, putting all energy into engines, outrunning pursuers).
What else makes the ships seem big, and ships seem small?
Things that added to the feeling of mass:
> multiple systems that could be independently disabled
> repair capabilities
> attack formations (can't wait until those are back!)
> AI (such as retreating when damaged)
Things that distracted from the feeliing of mass:
> Graphics, including ship models, damaged ships modeling, firing, and ship explosions
> Sounds (torp's need a bigger boom, voice aknowledgements of orders sound like overacting kids, not captains)
> Huge swarms of ships (of course, the game is called Armada!)
> Too many of the most powerful ships
> AI, especially around use of special weapons
> Too much use of pulse weapons
> Too few automated support ships (love the shuttles flying around the stations)
> Borg Cubes seemingly made of stiff construction paper!
> Speed of ship construction
> Low cost of ship construction
> Ease of ship destruction
> lack of shuttles in ships, and escape pods
> Speed (too fast) of large ships
> One special power per ship
> Defeated by little turrets
> lack of ability to shift power from one system to another (i.e. it would be cool if retreating ships lost ability to fire, putting all energy into engines, outrunning pursuers).
What else makes the ships seem big, and ships seem small?
posted on May 26th, 2003, 9:00 pm
thats why i love fleetops, it gives back that great feeling of your ships actually being fired on and living. not just being blown to bits in seconds
posted on May 27th, 2003, 6:37 am
may i add something to the list of Things that distracted from the feeliing of mass
Fushion Cubes too strong
Fushion Cubes too strong
posted on May 27th, 2003, 1:40 pm
In this mod? Fusion Cubes to strong? HA! I dont' even bother with them. They last awhile but it's MUCH more effective to have regular and Tactical Cubes....
posted on May 31st, 2003, 12:48 pm
I guess I have this hope where one or two of the biggest ships, say a Sovereign or Galaxy class, could last you the entire game if you took care of it. It would be a major source of power, and it's deployment to control or shore up a sector is a major strategic decision, not unlike battleships in the real world. Losing one would be a major blow.
To accomplish this, I would experiment with making it slower, more expensive, and more powerful. Give it great range and fast reloading shots. That would also reinforce the role of faster supporting ships.
To accomplish this, I would experiment with making it slower, more expensive, and more powerful. Give it great range and fast reloading shots. That would also reinforce the role of faster supporting ships.
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