Favorite race against Borg

Which race do you like most? What do you like - what you don't like? Discuss it here.

Question: If you had no choice but to go against the Borg when they had a priority of over 100, which race would you use?

Total votes: 57
Borg3 votes (5%)
Federation19 votes (33%)
Romulan19 votes (33%)
Dominion11 votes (19%)
Klingon5 votes (9%)
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posted on January 2nd, 2009, 8:24 pm
Please tell!
posted on January 3rd, 2009, 2:01 am
Feds, they know how to get it done, well Picard :borg: and Janeway :innocent: :P

Maybe roms cause they can just hide :whistling:
posted on January 3rd, 2009, 2:07 am
The Borg assimilation rush right now is devastating against any type of destroyer spam, leaving Klingons original power strategy of Taq'roja B'rels useless. Trust me.

Federation have the best chance with free Descent units but the increased cooldown has impacted this negatively.

Romulans are okay...if you play it right, same for Dominion.
posted on January 3rd, 2009, 3:34 am
I would use Romulans, but it requires a bit of micromanagement. With their Generix Support Refit's plasma special to overload weapons, I can effectively combat the nasty assimilation beams. I like to use the warbird that has the disruptor bombardment special to stall ships, especially since the borg build fewer quantities.

Also, the instant one of my ship's shields is about to drop I cloak it and send it to repair. More often than not it manages to escape. I set the shipyard's rally point to wherever the battle is taking place so I have the repaired ship right back in the fight. In big fights I have had a steady stream of ships entering and leaving battle. :shifty: I don't know if this works with default settings because my bro and I play with 30% weapon damage. We like to micromanage. :sweatdrop:

What really kills me though is when I am attacked on multiple fronts. :borg:
posted on January 3rd, 2009, 7:51 am
When they reach priority 100 and can build cubes, Id say that the Tavara would come in handy, so would the Dreadnought but you can build fewer.
So Id say Tavara, with that Mijural avatar ofc. Im prettty sure you can fuck up any cube with 5 Tavaras :D
posted on January 3rd, 2009, 10:38 am
i think dominion is the best choice against the borg
try a rush only with bomber
fast to build  not too expensive  and very strong in large numbers
before the patch it was possible to win against 5 borg ( hard ai )  only by building bomber
and after the patch a single borg ai hard isn´t a big problem vs the dominion
later i will test how two or three in a team will act    i hope it wont be so easy like before  :D

and before i forget
this is my first post so hello @ all and thanks to the fo team for this wonderful mod  :thumbsup:
posted on January 3rd, 2009, 2:24 pm
Welcome to the forum, lexxyk. Well, forget the AI, if you want real action, come online, that's the way this game is meant to be played.  :thumbsup:
posted on January 3rd, 2009, 2:43 pm
i think dominion is the best choice against the borg
try a rush only with bomber
fast to build  not too expensive  and very strong in large numbers
before the patch it was possible to win against 5 borg ( hard ai )  only by building bomber
and after the patch a single borg ai hard isn´t a big problem vs the dominion
later i will test how two or three in a team will act    i hope it wont be so easy like before 

and before i forget
this is my first post so hello @ all and thanks to the fo team for this wonderful mod 

First off: Welcome to the forums! I like to see more Dominion fans joining ;)

Now to the reply: While I agree that the bomber rush should do it, you need a huge ammount of bombers though :D The only problem with that is that the Borg should decide to build scout cubes instead and arm them with the new interception module, your pretty much fucked :)
posted on January 3rd, 2009, 4:12 pm
-=B!G=-The Black Baron wrote:The only problem with that is that the Borg should decide to build scout cubes instead and arm them with the new interception module, your pretty much fucked :)

sorry but you're wrong
when the ai build the first scoutcube i already have a complete fleet of bombers and they could destroy a scoutcube in a few seconds
start a battle at "old space" and test the bomber rush
~ 5 mins for capping three dilithium and tritanium moons and building two yards
then start with the production of bombers and 10 mins later there are no more borg on this map
and no i dont need a huge ammount of bombers   one fleet is enough to kill all ships and stations :lol:
posted on January 3rd, 2009, 4:49 pm
Not if you play against a human player.
posted on January 3rd, 2009, 5:00 pm
forget what i wrote
the borg ai hard is fucking bad :crybaby:
i normally turn the credits off cause when i only build bombers i dont need credits and it seems that the borg ai cant play without credits
without credits i only have to fight against only few scoutcubes and one armed base  not more
but today i tried a game with max credits and yes i now understand why this is called hard ai :(
posted on January 3rd, 2009, 5:24 pm
forget what i wrote
the borg ai hard is fucking bad
i normally turn the credits off cause when i only build bombers i dont need credits and it seems that the borg ai cant play without credits
without credits i only have to fight against only few scoutcubes and one armed base  not more
but today i tried a game with max credits and yes i now understand why this is called hard ai

I knew something had to be wrong with the AI on your part :D :P
They are vicious now, u need to keep them busy, dont allow them to mass up. Just as Optec said :)
posted on January 4th, 2009, 8:55 am
Last edited by firewarrior1705 on January 4th, 2009, 8:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
I'd go with the Feds, if you build up the techtree fast enough you can get akiras and intrepids out very quickly. Akiras can be very resistent with the defense pattern upgrade and the intrepid can fuck up large ships with the tricobalt torp. Calling in some steamrunners increases your firepower(I've noticed that steamrunners usually respond to my call). The Excelsior 2 is also though and once you reach tier 3 and get the sovies you have a good chance of winning.

The second would be the romulans but they need tons of resources to be spent on upgrades to make them fully combat ready but when you do...  :shifty:
posted on January 4th, 2009, 9:21 am
i would also say the feds... there sheer ability to spam units means that 15 ships vs 1 or 2, even borg ships get naild fair quick. The Intrepid is the perfect anti borg ship, mixed with some steamrunners and later on the defiant....

The dominion is also good though, there ability to produce large amounts of v-13 battleships definitly weighs in there favour.
posted on January 4th, 2009, 9:26 pm
The Breen are by far the best to fight the Borg, in my experience.
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