Fed Redo

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posted on February 7th, 2010, 5:05 am
this is pretty much towards the devs, but i was looking at project progress and i see no fed redo, as this had been talked about before, i would assume it wouldnt be a classified task, so does that mean there is no fed redo?
posted on February 7th, 2010, 5:17 am
As stated numerous times (heck, run a search for posts by Optec within the last few days) the Fed redo starts in the next patches. The first changes will be seen with the upcoming patch for their much needed rebalancing - the next patch after that will add more features, and the one after that (assuming all goes according to the always tentative plan) will reincarnate them so to speak.

Classified tasks are merely those that the Devs don't want to waste time describing in a big long list to clutter the already big... and long... list. The way you should see it is that the more time they take to explain changes and write out the changelog for upcoming patches - the more time is taken away from working on Fleet Ops. So instead of wondering about what's going to come by bugging for information - post feature requests, ideas, and use the search feature incorporated into the forum  :D . Oh, and of course, Optec likes his secrets, and you don't wanna make Optec sad now do you?  :'(
posted on February 7th, 2010, 10:44 am
xep. the fed redo has alraedy been splitted in subtasts and it will happen starting in the next patches with some balancing-relevant changes like warp-in and stations :)
The mainf ed redo will be released in a yet undecided future patch along with the redos of the other races
posted on February 7th, 2010, 7:53 pm
Dom i got all that, ive been here for a while remeber?

I was merely wondering as i thought i had seen fed redo in there before, so i was just wondering if it was done or something had happend.

Ah... so then all the races will get a redo at the same time?
posted on February 7th, 2010, 8:09 pm
If you make changes to one race, you have to make changes to them all to keep things balanced. ^-^
posted on February 12th, 2010, 3:54 am
Last edited by navyguy on February 12th, 2010, 7:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
After going over many charts, pics and so on, well i thought the Ambassador Class needs a workover. Many say well we only saw of her a few times, okay but it still is a Federation Starship, which needs to be looked at more. The ship's strength and reliability has led to several advancements in starship deasign. Most of the technology developed for the Ambassador class has expanded into common usage among other classes of starships such as modern phaser banks, cutting edge torpedo reload systems and multi layered shields. In a way she sperheaded a revolution, again revolution, in Starfleet ship design.  look into the Ambassador Class.  Commissioned 2325.length 526m.width322m.height128m. top speed 9.4. To my understanding it was built in large numbers. Id like to see the range go to meadium range on her weapons. Yes and bad language. Id like to see it as a buildable ship? I was in a game yesterday, and i thought for a moment the Galaxy Class just gets eaten alive, then gone, so maybe if the range went to meadium, i would be happy, i do see her lasting longer than other ships, and yet she isnt buildable ship? what do you guys think for her to be a buildable ship? I know this ship was deasigned to replace the ageing Excelscior. Id like to see the ship also in the poll that was put up late last year. ID really like her sysytem value to go up. Yeah Boggz i do like it alot, and i know i go overboard with her, but we went from Excelsior's to Galaxy Class and sort of missed her.
posted on February 12th, 2010, 4:04 am
Lol navyguy it's obvious that you are a big fan of the Ambassador Class.  But what exactly is it that you'd like them to do with it?

  It's older than the Galaxy or Nebula.
  It's got stats equal to or higher than any other Fed Heavy Cruiser.  (Excel II starts at 29/30)
  Great passive.
  Damage-soaking ability
  Now a ferocious combatant because of it's durabilility, firepower, and speed.

  I'd like to know SPECIFICALLY what it would take to make you happy with it.  Just out of curiosity.  Transphasic torpedoes?  Photonic Cannons?  Sticks and Stones?  Bad language?

  It will toast a Galaxy 1 v 1, which is doubtlessly upsetting many of the Galaxy lovers in this forum.  I think the Ambassador has received a great role in FleetOps and needs no improvement.
posted on February 12th, 2010, 6:27 am
Make it the Ambassador-X for a redo of "all good things". Give it the klingonpiercing "lance"-Phaser.  :woot:
posted on February 15th, 2010, 6:44 am
It would seem i was wrong, after reading some other views, i watched my Ambassador Class ships womp the hell out of Borg ships which were on the hard setting, this was in a game yesterday, after watching them i thought well i guess maybe there best left the way there set up now, so in conclusion i take back any statements which called for a change.

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