Fleet mixing in V3

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posted on July 27th, 2007, 4:42 am
Just wanted to know from both the registrees and the makers... how fleet mixing will change in the next version of FO. Currently it seems that small ships and destroyers (I think) own FO space, while battleships rarely make an appearance as they are cost and time prohibitive. (why make tavaras when you can make 20 shrikes that do more damage and are harder to kill as a group). Are the larger ships being made more enticing--being given more powers and armor--or... Anywho, just curious and anxious to hear what everyone thinks, or knows.

posted on July 27th, 2007, 8:13 pm
The larger calibers (battleships, battle cruisers and the like) got either cheaper or a bit more powerful. Generally speaking we reduced the "pay-off" period for the costs you have to put into 'teching' to gain these units. So you should have a greater arsenal at your disposal :)
posted on July 28th, 2007, 3:52 am
All I can say is ... SWEET!

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