Has anyone been able to finish a game since the patch?

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posted on February 9th, 2009, 9:58 pm
Did it coincide with you upgrading a cube to tactical cube?  That's when I crash most of the time.
posted on February 9th, 2009, 11:57 pm
for me, it seems to happen whenever a heated battle is taking place. And usually when AI ships are being blows away rather quickly.
It may be related to the ship spawn of the AI that typically would kcik in when AI ships are destroyed faster than they can be built.
ive seen cubes pop out of thin air... and a few seconds later the game went bye bye.
posted on February 10th, 2009, 5:53 am
I've managed to finish a few games without getting the CTD. But I too have had it more than once and ussually when I was playing against either the borg or dominion. The game crashed when the AI came with a large fleet and we engaged in battle.
posted on February 14th, 2009, 6:50 pm
I did several games latly, myself set to observer, to find out what's happening. I was trying hard AI games, mostly 2vs2 or 2vs2vs2, mostly just one race. I only observed crashes when ther was no winner within the first 2h. The crashes didn't depend on the race. I had not enough time to watch each game, so I can't tell about specific situations. In my opinion there are always too many ships in the game, but that doesn't seem to be the reason for the crashes.
posted on February 14th, 2009, 11:33 pm
one thing I did see, was Borg construction ships were building Mining units.
This was strange since the miners usually build the Borg mining stations.

Game crashed rather quickly after that.

Not sure if it is related.
posted on February 14th, 2009, 11:45 pm
serpicus wrote:one thing I did see, was Borg construction ships were building Mining units.
This was strange since the miners usually build the Borg mining stations.

Game crashed rather quickly after that.

Not sure if it is related.

The AI Borg ship construction nodes also build ships like a normal shipyard, I think it's probably just that the AI couldn't be altered to use the alternate style of play? I don't know, it's probably not that  :lol: since it wouldn't really be too different to the 8472 evolution in stock A2 now that I think about it
posted on February 15th, 2009, 12:51 am
I actually think Doca and Optec confirmed that the AI couldn't be altered for the Borg; dunno if I remember correctly or not  ^-^
posted on February 15th, 2009, 1:32 pm
Yeah, I think thats true. I observed some Borg games and never found a Collector build a node, but always those assemblers do it instead. As the hard AI does that within the first 10min of the game, it's no a likely candidate for a bug.

Has anyone tested yet, if the crased depend on the map's size, or the number of yards? Perhaps It's got someting to do woth the number of ships created at once. 
posted on February 15th, 2009, 1:47 pm
mimesot wrote:Has anyone tested yet, if the crased depend on the map's size, or the number of yards? Perhaps It's got someting to do woth the number of ships created at once. 

Well, I've played a game vs 6 ais to see if I could get a crash.
I used some edited ships for myself (so that I wouldnt lose too soon...) and set the overall builtime and cost to quite low so that there would be a lot of ships in a short time.

In very large battles the sprites for weapons weren't displayed properly and the game slowed down, but thats about it.
I beat 2 ais (largely due to the edited units...) and played for quite some time but there was no crash.
posted on February 15th, 2009, 3:37 pm
I observed another crasha few minutes ago, 2v2v2 all Dominion hard AI, me as observer. Loads of units, and the crash happened when a home-base was about to be destroyed. In them mean time, that attackers base was attecked too. Does the AI "think" of the option to retreat to defend it's own base? Does the AI "think" of anything when destroying a base, that might be faulty? What does the loosing AI try after being mostly destroyed? Can an AI cause an error anyway? 
posted on February 15th, 2009, 4:58 pm
I think the AI causes a fatal exception and ends up looping on some redundant command.
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