How to gain more supply (mainly feds)

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posted on April 23rd, 2010, 1:20 pm
Hello there!! I have been a long time player but havent had any questions that have gone unanswered untill now....

I have had a huge gap between when I last played FO and I have now just got the latest release (looks frikkin awesome!!) but I have issues with supply...

I usually play as the feds (typical lol) and I just can't work out how to aquire more supply...  the other 2 resources are easy but I just can't work it out!

I have tried searching but I can't find an answer either.... So sorry if it has been answered before but I can't find it :(


posted on April 23rd, 2010, 1:24 pm
Last edited by Myles on April 23rd, 2010, 1:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
welcome to the forums.

to get supply for feds, use any starbase's build menu, then select the far right button to buy supply. the first supply purchase costs 750 di and 750 tri (this purchase is instant as long as you are building nothing, if you are building ships then the supply purchase will get put in the queue). also the purchases get more and more expensive when you buy repeatedly for all races who can buy it.

i think for romulans its the same as feds, nobody plays romulans much now, their ships are too expensive. this will be fixed in next patch

for klingons, you will get some supply back when you make kills so you have to attack a lot, their starbase has the buy supply ability too, but the first buy costs a lot more at 1500/1500

for dominion you will need to build ketracel synthesizers, and miners to mine supply from di/tri moons. the miners take the supply from moons quick, but deposit it very slowly. they can also use their starbase to buy. dont forget to set up supply mining. dominion ships cost a lot of supply, which represents the jem'hadar need for ketracel white.

for borg you wont be able to buy supply from your starbase, you will need to build incubatin centres. for optimize avatar you can then upgrade these centres to make them more powerful. dont forgot to build centres.

hope to see you online soon. especially when the new patch comes out soon.
posted on April 23rd, 2010, 3:04 pm
Wicked, that is exactly what I needed to know :D

I couldn't find that info anywhere lol!

posted on April 23rd, 2010, 3:06 pm
Does Boggz smell a new section for the Guide...? :D
posted on April 23rd, 2010, 3:07 pm
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Fleet Operations should tell you pretty much anything you need to know. - Bookmark it for convenience.

Boggz wrote:Does Boggz smell a new section for the Guide...? :D

That's not already there?
posted on April 23rd, 2010, 3:19 pm
actually supply management could be a whole section on its own really.
posted on April 23rd, 2010, 3:25 pm
From the Economics section of the guide:

The Federation, Klingons, Romulans, and Dominion can acquire the Supply resource from their respective starbases. The Dominion and the Borg have a different way to get supplies. In addition to buying supplies from the starbase, the Dominion can also mine supplies directly from dilithium and tritanium moons after having built a Ketracel Synthesizer to deposit the mined supply. The only way the Borg can gain supplies is by building Incubation Centers, which slowly generate the resource over time.

Here's the specific link:

This section should probably include the klingons raiding supplies, as well.  But this covers it and explains the Dominion and Borg in more detail later on the page.
posted on April 23rd, 2010, 6:40 pm
Mal ftw!  :woot:
posted on April 23rd, 2010, 9:35 pm
I'll correct the Klingon thingy :). How factions get supplies is of course written in the introduction for each faction in the Strategy section as well (there the Klingon supply specialties are listed - just forgot to add it in the Eco-section  ^-^
posted on April 28th, 2010, 1:34 am
I guess there is a pretty big section on it already.

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