HSU pop-gun

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posted on November 29th, 2011, 8:23 am
Hey guys,

what's the deal with the HSU? I just started playing the Dominion, and I had previously heard about the unstoppable, invincible HSU.

I just tried them for the first time. I built two, sent them to my opponent's (Brutal Feds AI) base, and set them off on their small yard cluster. Pathetic damage to the shields of the structures, and less than a third damage to the ships.

ummm...Am I missing something?
posted on November 29th, 2011, 9:08 am
you talking about hsa?

in which case it got nerfed, and i think its still worth it. they used to be the centre of some strats, they arent so much any more. but they still serve their purpose, which is destroying buildings from long range. they can outrange any turret and fire every 60 seconds. the only way the enemy can fight is to leave their base and fight your fleet.

they now do more damage to buildings and less to ships. artillery shouldnt be used for fly swatting entire fleets. that's what bortas does, and quite correctly costs more.
posted on November 29th, 2011, 9:43 am
Where did I get a U from?  :ermm:

I wondered about that. I wanted a BFG to help me cut down on the double rush coming from two merciless feds. It would have been nice to just swat a bunch of destroyers and frigates down. Bortas, huh?
posted on November 29th, 2011, 9:49 am
hsa isnt intended to smack down fleets any more. you might get away with damaging a bunch of destroyers enough to make them easy work for your fleet. but you'll need good timing to avoid them running away.

bortas does what you want, and for a cost that is sensible. but you have to get the bortas up close.

for borg use nanites, it will murder fleets of small ships, as will a couple dodes thrown in for good measure/support of your nanite spammer.

the dominion v13 is rarely a bad choice, not expensive, good stats. but when you get many of them their special stacks up and you can quickly put out huge damage and maybe pinch a kill or two.
posted on November 29th, 2011, 11:14 pm
Thanks for the advice. Im going to try some of these strats.

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