I never saw this coming....
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posted on July 6th, 2009, 8:37 am
I was playing Armada FO, 8 bases, all factions and 2 randoms, i was just being funny with the game and felt lie messing round, but what happened was nothing short of amazing....in respect to the game i mean.
So, am sitting there with my quaint Federation base, well built and strong, this is all fine, when suddenly i notice the map is actually covered in Dominion ships, it was funny to see the Klingon's and Romulans just get wiped out so quickly, but what i did not see coming was not my own destruction, but the dominions lol.
the Borg had been sitting pretty for a period of time, fighting amongst them selves, when suddenly, out of no were they wipe out the entire dominion fleet in seconds, i couldn't believe it, suffice to say i got wiped of the map my self, but my god....i never saw it coming at all lol, the Borg won in the end,
Anyone else experienced this? or something similar?
So, am sitting there with my quaint Federation base, well built and strong, this is all fine, when suddenly i notice the map is actually covered in Dominion ships, it was funny to see the Klingon's and Romulans just get wiped out so quickly, but what i did not see coming was not my own destruction, but the dominions lol.
the Borg had been sitting pretty for a period of time, fighting amongst them selves, when suddenly, out of no were they wipe out the entire dominion fleet in seconds, i couldn't believe it, suffice to say i got wiped of the map my self, but my god....i never saw it coming at all lol, the Borg won in the end,
Anyone else experienced this? or something similar?
posted on July 6th, 2009, 8:48 am
want to hear funny thing.. well me and my bro played lan game and the borg destroyed us so we found refuge inside a moving astroeid belt in the top right there we rebuild and builded alot steamrunners and destroyed the borg fleet which was waiting out side.
posted on July 6th, 2009, 9:30 am
There is nothing scarier than not hearing anything from the Borg.
posted on July 6th, 2009, 1:01 pm
The Borg build the same way any of the other factions do... so substitute every V-13 Battleship for a Cube, and every Bug for a Scout Cube etc.... game over
posted on July 6th, 2009, 5:06 pm
Yeah, dom AI is far superior to most of the other AIs right now (everytime I have one in the game all the other AIs get wiped out) but the borg AI is still scariest of all, let it get to late game and you will be cube swarmed, and nothing survives that .
posted on July 6th, 2009, 6:34 pm
I survived in open fields with just a wall of torpedo turrets. There was literally a thousand torp turrets vs waves of unending borg ships
posted on July 6th, 2009, 8:55 pm
Right, am gonna try that, imagine a cube shaped base with ten thousand Torpedo turrets....I'LL SHOW YOU MERCILESS MUHAHAHAHAHA!
posted on July 7th, 2009, 5:01 pm
TURTLING FTW!!!!!!!!!!111
But yeah, the borg tend to do rather poorley against me, I reinforce strong points with starbases ringed with torp turrets, and usualy keep a repair ship or two hanging back a bit from whatever area the AI is currently attacking the heaviest.
But yeah, the borg tend to do rather poorley against me, I reinforce strong points with starbases ringed with torp turrets, and usualy keep a repair ship or two hanging back a bit from whatever area the AI is currently attacking the heaviest.
posted on July 15th, 2009, 5:11 am
Last edited by Saerain on July 15th, 2009, 5:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
Tyler wrote:There is nothing scarier than not hearing anything from the Borg.
I used to think so, but tonight shocked a few years off my life.
The map was Eraudi. I played the Federation, with a Hard Klingon ally, against a Hard Romulan, Hard Dominion, and Hard Borg. Every time I have done this before, the Dominion or Borg have won hands-down. But tonight, the Romulans wiped the damned map with an armada of 38 Norexans, 16 D'deridex, and 10 Serkas that I could count.
Did I mention thirty-f***ing-eight Norexans? Plus whatever I never saw beyond the fog of war.
No one was prepared for anything like this. The Klingons were sieged first, snuffed out in easily under 30 seconds. I then saw a message that the Borg had been defeated before I'd seen anything more than a few Assimilators from them. The Dominion then tried to move in on me with a force roughly equal to my own, but the Romulan deathcloud humiliatingly bowled through their offense from the rear with ease and eliminated me like an unpopular senator. Unbelievable.
38 Norexans!
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