
Which race do you like most? What do you like - what you don't like? Discuss it here.
posted on August 15th, 2003, 1:55 am
What kind of ships/stations do they have. what are they. what type of weaponry do they use?
posted on August 15th, 2003, 7:17 am
Last edited by Optec on August 15th, 2003, 7:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
The Iconians are a highly advanced species which lived in the alpha quadrant thousands of years ago. From what the Federation knows today they were ment to be the first interstellar empire in this part of the galaxy. You can still find a few iconian ruins in booth the space of the Federation an the Romulan empire. What the Federation knows is, that the Iconians had a war with a unknown enemy and where destroyed.

Well, the Iconians had several conflicts with the Borg collective, which tried to assimilate them, but failed cause of the Iconian psionic capabilities. Therefore the Iconians where classified as a thread to the collective.
The war ended with a large Borg Fleet, trying to invade the Iconian Home system. The Iconiands used a giant psionic shockwave o griplle the vessels. The war was won...
But the shockwave had also disturbed the sun of the Iconian system and it began to collaps.
The Icians Dynasty evacuated through time. Their knowledge of time and time travel allowed them to settle in another timeline. There the Iconians began to expand and prepare for vengeance...

The Iconian technology splits into two sectores. On the one Hand, they have psionic and transcendent capabilities. On the Other hand they can access highly advanced technology like time travel or chronoton disruptors.

A Iconian base does only consist of a giant main structure, which has been warped through time in thies sphere of the space time continuum. This station can open additional gateways through time to warpin iconian vessels.
Cause the Iconians construct their vessels in timelines where they dominiate the galaxy, a Iconian player won't need to expand ot gather resoures. The only limiting resoruce is time itself. The longer a game takes, there more vessels can you expect. But most Iconian station upgrades and vessels take long to build.
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posted on August 15th, 2003, 9:46 am
i did not think we was haveing them as we where haveing the cardies???
posted on August 15th, 2003, 3:16 pm
the ardassians won't be playable, the dominion has replaced the eridians...

the set for the final release ist:
posted on August 15th, 2003, 4:25 pm
Who Are the Ciadan are they the unknown enemy of the iconians.
posted on August 15th, 2003, 6:22 pm
the unknown enemy where the borg :)

tha ciadan are a species of... well... a bit strange scientist from the andromeda galaxy (this is not the complete story of course, but this is the iconian topic :) )

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