Im Very Impressed!

Which race do you like most? What do you like - what you don't like? Discuss it here.
posted on October 19th, 2003, 2:41 pm
This is Bubba91873, I'm the one who put the Shockwave Mod together.Currently it is the most popular mod downloaded from spent 18 months putting it together by myself using the best stuff the community has created.I almost lost the entire mod due to a hard drive crash.

I have to say this to you guys now.FleetOps is much better then what I have done with my project.You guys should have the most popular mod.
I'm very impressed with the level of features and new elements in FleetOps.
I'm so impressed with the new beta that I may cancel my new update to Shockwave and just add my stuf to your mod and enjoy it privately.
I have enough materials for 15-17 races right now that could be added to FleetOps as soon as I figure out the way you guys have set things up.I dont want to mess up the balance.

I wished I had the talents and the time to do what your team has done.If you need another team member I would be honoured to help you continue this project and share all the resources that I have with you.My talents are many but modeling isnt one of them though I have every program needed to mod every thing in A2.

My requests:
If I decide to add my stuff to yours I would really like to have some gui's made by your team that are compatible with FleetOps for the following races that I have:
The Ferengi
The Hydrans
The Gorn
The Breen
The Dominion
Both Star Wars sides
The Lyrans

My email is and I'm serious about my offer.
posted on October 19th, 2003, 3:29 pm
Last edited by DOCa Cola on October 19th, 2003, 3:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Hi and welcome to the forums!

Thx for your offer, but at the moment we are only looking for people with one or more of the abilities listed here.

Some of the races you talked about will be Non Player Races (like the Hydrans, one of my favourits, the Breen or the Tholians). The Dominion will be one of the 8 playable races in the final version. Star Wars vessels will not be included in Fleet Operations :)

Well, a GUI is much work and at the moment we have many things to get up and running for beta 3 ;)

posted on October 19th, 2003, 8:58 pm
I am proficient in Flash 5 animations and some C++ coding but I'm not interested in the coding part.
My strongest abilities are in the special weapons, odf programming, ai, debugging of A2 issues.
These are the programs I use for modding:
3D Max R3 for adding A2 hierarchy
Milkshape for converting StarFleet Command 2-3 models "retextured"
Soundforge 6.0 for music and sound editing
Photoshop 6 and PSP 7 for texture work

I respect what you said, and hope to see more in Beta 3.My mod team was only myself and I wished I had 10 hands lol.
posted on October 19th, 2003, 9:17 pm
Last edited by DOCa Cola on October 19th, 2003, 9:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I am proficient in Flash 5 animations

Would you pls contact me via IM or email? ^_^
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posted on October 20th, 2003, 7:08 am
humm looks like we have a neew member of staff
posted on October 20th, 2003, 8:16 pm
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posted on October 21st, 2003, 3:23 pm
nothing next to his name YET
posted on October 21st, 2003, 10:19 pm
That depends on what is needed.
I tried to contact you through Yahoo IM but you were unavailable.

I really liked the way you guys put this mod together.But I do admit that I would like to see more special weapons ie effects and space-based phenomenon.

1 quick question for you.

1. Which files were edited for getting the game engine into a 2-d plane by removing the wierd height adjuster that Armada 2 shipped with?

I want to study how the planets were done plus the builds in certain stations in regards to the all_delay files.
posted on October 22nd, 2003, 4:06 pm
such elemental things can be done by editing the armada2 environment paramteres. some of them are in the RTS_CFG.h file
posted on October 22nd, 2003, 6:33 pm
I tried to contact you through Yahoo IM but you were unavailable.

yea, that was sometime in the morning here, i was not in
posted on October 24th, 2003, 12:06 am
I'm sorry I missed you on Yahoo, you must be in the UK perhaps.

I can find the entry's that you made in the RTS.cfg file and comprae those to the original just fine.What else is involved in this coding process besides texture work for the new background.

How did you setup the planets in Fleet Ops to show up in the Sod Viewer?Are you just using the A1 hierarchy for them instead of A2's?I know how to disable the colonisation part.Under your setup can they be "blown up" or weapons mounted on them?

Things I have noticed and liked about the mod:
New shield animations are really nice - the effect for collapsed shields is prety sweet.
The wireframe setups are top notch, I like the the systems setup at the bottom of the wf's that show which system is damaged.
The shuttle traffic in the sods are great and I'm really surprised that this hasnt been done before by anyone else.
The odf's are really clean and setup neatly.Not confusing at all.Good setup and balance for the hitpoints and weapons damages btw.
Weapons textures and sods effexts are really intriguing.
Temporal Stasis field animation is awesome!Too many others to mention.
I noticed that the Noxtor will actually physically attack other ships and stations!
posted on October 24th, 2003, 4:39 am
as far as i remeber you can remove the hight of the map by editing the rts_cfg.h file only.. you have to edit some odf's which need the hight (for example fusion), too.

in beta2 the planets are just backgound objects and you cannot interact with them. colonisation has been removed from Fleet Operations and will not find its way back :) . Perhaps in one of the coming betas i will change the style of the planets to the a1 style (starbases near a planet get an increased crew rate). So the planets are not this nasty a2 setup planets but normal background sods.
posted on October 24th, 2003, 11:48 pm
I never liked colonisation and always felt it detracted from the "real" game.But there have been some creations by the a2 community that are really awesome.
It would be cool to be able to target planets for destruction.

I didnt use the fusion classlabel in Shockwave.The mod was mainly focused on special weapons and not allowing players to make huge amounts of ships.I made the Borg and Dominion uber nasty.

Are there plans for some type of super weapons for each playable side?Like in A1 A2.
posted on October 25th, 2003, 10:34 am
nope, planets won't be attackable by normal weapons, perhaps by one or the other special ability
posted on October 26th, 2003, 9:57 pm
Thats what I meant Optec, some special types of weapons.General weapons used by ships shouldnt be able to destroy planets.

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