Impressions of a newcomer
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posted on June 29th, 2012, 8:19 pm
godsvoice wrote:Now i can manage against a few of the harders AIs on smaller maps, I just changed build order from moving up the tech tree to going for stronger higher crew ships. Focus on capturing early enemy destroyers, and building larger number of smaller ships. And it makes it feel better when I do get a few battleships out on the board.
Me and my friend have just won a 2x2. I was playing feds and he was playing borg. But it is a shame - we were playing against a random which turned out as dominion and feds and as far as I know, AI is very stupid there ))) But at least, we had a chance to figure out some more things. Like I have totally understood the importance of warpins which are vital to feds.
And you - I think you say you play klingons mainly?
godsvoice wrote:On larger maps, style changes. I get huge economy, completely ignore building weak vessels, and go right in to mid ship cruisers and large battleships. By the time enemy starts invading, my economy is built, and although I have fewer ships cause I tech up, ai is predictable and starts with higher number of weaker ships. So with some turrets it all works out.
Now I start with combos of lo-tech ships, in the beginning I build 2 yards, then one yard makes Monsoons and the other one - Intrepids. A couple of Sabres might also be at hand. And then I research the abilities of these three and move to defending an expansion and introducing Akira, simultaneously building a third yard (at the expansion). And the turrets. And the support warpin. That was the backbone of our last game I was talking about a few paragraphs above..
godsvoice wrote:Not to mention how the nebulas can be super helpful or harmful. i.E. Borg. green nebula is useless for borg, they have no shields to repair. Where as nebulas that disable shields don't deter borg at all, they have all hull. So if you get a fight with borg where you shields are disabled you are almost screwed. Terrain is pretty big.
Yeah, terrain adds some fun

086gf wrote:Welcome! I suck at online matches too. If I see that your on Tunngle I will do a 1v1 with you if you would like.

posted on June 30th, 2012, 1:05 am
Yep. In my view Klingons are the gem faction in FO. I wish they had a bit wider selection for large battleships, aside from neghvar *only one for taq, martok does have luspet though. But still. But they have so much going for them. Tough constructor, tough scout, tough miners, comparatively at least, cloaks, 50/50 hull shield ratio, menacing fire power, ...
Yes, when I play certain strategies as Feds I build about 4-5 full expansions, and sift right into akiras. A few turrets beforehand. When you get a large economy setup, you can spam from three small yards, or go two small 1 large. So akiras and e2s maybe, with defensive turrets during retreats. Then with akiras and their special and high crew i can capture the odd enemy destroyer to be my fodder. I don't build any sabres, monsoons, or intreps.
But again, this made small maps incredibly hard for me because it doesn't work. On smaller maps I'm more inclined to go weaker vessels. But with that, I can commit to lower level ships and totally destroy ai without even going into any larger yard. Which in some ways is less enjoyable. Having one akira on the board, and a whole fleet of lesser ships yet still crush ai. I'd rather it go into longer rounds, with stronger ships.
Yes, in order to correct for fed ai, you have outnumber yourself. 3 mercies for me on blue amber and you're on the edge of your seat the whole game. 3 fed on upper half ais, and me Klings on bottom rightish. It's whatever makes it fun for you.
I've also played a couple games where I'm duel 2 with klingons, I double yard kbeajqs against feds and it completely owns them. So I make the settings harder on the bar thing, so you give them faster build times and cheaper costs to even it out.
Whatever you can do to customize it so it offers a challenge and yet is still enjoyable despite winning or losing is great.
Yes, when I play certain strategies as Feds I build about 4-5 full expansions, and sift right into akiras. A few turrets beforehand. When you get a large economy setup, you can spam from three small yards, or go two small 1 large. So akiras and e2s maybe, with defensive turrets during retreats. Then with akiras and their special and high crew i can capture the odd enemy destroyer to be my fodder. I don't build any sabres, monsoons, or intreps.
But again, this made small maps incredibly hard for me because it doesn't work. On smaller maps I'm more inclined to go weaker vessels. But with that, I can commit to lower level ships and totally destroy ai without even going into any larger yard. Which in some ways is less enjoyable. Having one akira on the board, and a whole fleet of lesser ships yet still crush ai. I'd rather it go into longer rounds, with stronger ships.
Yes, in order to correct for fed ai, you have outnumber yourself. 3 mercies for me on blue amber and you're on the edge of your seat the whole game. 3 fed on upper half ais, and me Klings on bottom rightish. It's whatever makes it fun for you.
I've also played a couple games where I'm duel 2 with klingons, I double yard kbeajqs against feds and it completely owns them. So I make the settings harder on the bar thing, so you give them faster build times and cheaper costs to even it out.
Whatever you can do to customize it so it offers a challenge and yet is still enjoyable despite winning or losing is great.
posted on June 30th, 2012, 2:46 am
On the other hand, if you want a decidedly uphill battle, play as Feds on Duel II against a merciless Romulan AI without giving it any handicap.
posted on June 30th, 2012, 7:11 pm
godsvoice wrote:On smaller maps I'm more inclined to go weaker vessels. But with that, I can commit to lower level ships and totally destroy ai without even going into any larger yard.
That's what my strategy is closer to. At the times when I had the upper hand, I completely ignored the larger yard. At least for 3/4 of the game. And even when I had it, I almost did not use it. Instead, I had 3 good production lines for monsoons, intrepids and akiras. The warpin entirely satisfied the need for something "special".
godsvoice wrote:Which in some ways is less enjoyable. Having one akira on the board, and a whole fleet of lesser ships yet still crush ai. I'd rather it go into longer rounds, with stronger ships.
That's actually a pretty interesting moment here. The sort of the enjoyability that you are talking here about, when you have big beautiful ships and a fleet and a well-developed huge economy and such, actually, does not always go hand-in-hand with optimal game strategy and tactics.. if one wants to win and he plays against a dangerous opponent, he usually needs to act in an "optimal" way and it never looks like in movies or in the real life.. computer games mastery looks like a clinical embodyment of the game theory... all else usually increases chances to lose. And I, as many other people, crave that enjoyment too. Some games, including Fleet Operations, manage to find some of that balance.
godsvoice wrote:Whatever you can do to customize it so it offers a challenge and yet is still enjoyable despite winning or losing is great.
Athough I play with AIs too, I think that playing with living people is more about really useful experience..
MadHatter wrote:On the other hand, if you want a decidedly uphill battle, play as Feds on Duel II against a merciless Romulan AI without giving it any handicap.
Haha, I'll try that. I am still learning and I think that anything that serious will blow me up (and I never won vs romulans), but I will try that later )
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