posted on July 16th, 2011, 9:40 pm
I think Jan pretty much said it all.
Although I bet that Activision or MadDoc or whoever owns A2 would let the devs go stand alone if they asked. They certainly loose nothing by doing it; they haven't made money on A2 in what, 7+ years, neither has CBS or Paramount. Who knows they might even be willing to release the source code since it's so old - if it still exists.
Unfortunately the price of and A2 disk isn't going to drop that's basic supply/demand economics. It's a rare good which is very desirable, so yeah, people will sell it high. Unless someone starts making copies and sells them dirt cheap to increase supply.
The only other option is if the devs chose to make their own engine. But if they did that, we wouldn't see another release for five or ten years. Although there are some engine bases out there, like Unreal, but I don't know if that would suit the devs needs, and the devs self-admittedly like working with the A2 engine.
Bottom line, either potential players need to loosen or stow their moral compasses long enough to get a disk image, or the devs need to convince the powers that be to let them go stand-alone