Increasing Game Settings?

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posted on September 20th, 2012, 7:13 pm
This may seem weird, but I like a very very slow drawn out game. Is there anyway to increase these settings beyond the limit currently in the game, or is that impossible to change. Currently I have it set to:

AI Build Time Modifier 2.00
AI Resource Cost Modifier 2.00
Game Speed 1
Ship Build Time 2.00
Global Build Cost 5.00

I would like it to be a little higher and more drawn out if possible.

posted on September 21st, 2012, 2:50 am
The only way you can modify these settings is via configuration files or the base ODFs.

Cost/buildtime modifiers for the AI can be changed by opening up the RTS.cfg file and looking for these settings: ... T_HANDICAP

You can also change things by changing the costs/build times of the units within the ODFs, which is much more intensive.

Game speed cannot be altered any further.

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