Misleading tooltips

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posted on September 27th, 2011, 6:53 pm
Are the weapon tooltips intended to rememble something plot-related canon could make them do at the expense of not resembling the game? I'm Mainly curious because things like Photon Torpedoes and the Negh'Var and it's Warship Cannon don't act like the background info claims they should.

More specificaly; Photons mention the canon ability to kill defenceless ships in one hit that doesn't happen in-game, while the veteran Negh'Var Warship Cannon tooltip makes it out to be some superstrong Starbase-crushing weapon at Galaxy-X level of power despite just barely escaping a position as the weakest weapon on the ship (except against the stations it should be designed for, where it is the weakest).
posted on September 27th, 2011, 6:57 pm
Isn't that a bit of a rhetorical question? :P

Most of the tooltips reflect the ethos of Star Trek and the Fleet Operations universe - you don't have to research quantum pulses or other such specialized equipment.

Look a the Mothership from SCII - it says it is a super uber powerful vessel capable of destroying entire planets. Does it do that in game....? :D

Even in cannon, the weapons don't do what they are supposed to do half the time. We've seen torpedoes one hit kill defenseless ships, and we've seen them 15 hit kill defenseless ships... (how many quantums does it take to destroy a Bug ship again? )
posted on September 27th, 2011, 7:02 pm
Dominus_Noctis wrote:(how many quantums does it take to destroy a Bug ship again? )

more than it takes to destroy a borg sphere :(

did nobody working on ds9: valiant bother watching first contact?
posted on September 27th, 2011, 7:04 pm
One could just as easily blame failure to 1 hit kill vessels on poor marksmanship, exceptional ECM etc.

This thread is kind of like a big giant target for anybody who wants to troll...
posted on September 27th, 2011, 8:16 pm
Yeah, Honestly, even in cannon there are inconsistencies.  There are bound to be flaws in the game, but at least it resembles what the devs want. ^-^
posted on September 27th, 2011, 8:22 pm
meh to be fair, DS9 did introduce the whole, evading phaser beam concept
posted on September 27th, 2011, 8:24 pm
The main question was about the game/story being different was an intentional thing (despite the neutral title). There is a link to the Gameplay And Story Segregation trope in-case anyone can't imagine why they would be misleading on purpose.

The 2 example had to be intentional, though stranger and less believable mistakes have happened.
posted on September 27th, 2011, 11:00 pm
The term "canon" is itself misleading in Star Trek. A phaser burst from a Romulan Warbird can lower shields 40% on the Enterprise in one episode, and yet do less than 5% in another. I'm pretty sure their defensive technology didn't improve that much within a few years time :rolleyes:
Basically what it comes down to in the shows is how cool they can make everything look as opposed to in games where its a mixture of balancing purposes and added excitement.
posted on September 27th, 2011, 11:58 pm
Last edited by godsvoice on September 28th, 2011, 12:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
I've seen Borg cubes one shot my weakened destroyer types before.

I being Federation. Monsoon, Intrepids, Sabers, and such. Or maybe it was there special torpedo thing that did it.

Ships like that just evaporate I'd assume for other races as well, weakened kvorts, bugs, shrikes, etc, borg cubes live up to canon and the FO description I would say...

In any case, not saying much to the thread directly, ... but the borg and their torpedoes... do you feel my pain?

EDIT: well, due to the fact that I like Klingon faction most, and Federation faction. I particularly enjoy lobbing compact numbers (2-3 waves of 5-15) of these (medium vessels) at my enemies. Kvorts, kbeajqs, intrepids, monsoons, and so on. They make for a nice show. But for borg, the term cannon fodder takes on new meaning. ... er this isn't something i need suggestions on, i can still beat the borg with ships other than these medium class... it is just painful to watch my small task force of 8-10 destroyers be so utterly useless. *sigh*
posted on September 28th, 2011, 2:17 am
godsvoice wrote:it is just painful to watch my small task force of 8-10 destroyers be so utterly useless. *sigh*

Its a borg cube, 8-10 battleships would still be kind of useless :D

As for the Borg being canon, let's compare:
1st encounter - The flagship of the Federation was completely ineffectual
2nd - A single Borg ship blasted through 49 warships, only to be stopped by said flagship
3rd - Said flagship is only slightly hurt by their ship torpedoes/beams, they didn't even lose their shields
4th - A standard Federation starship defeats a Tactical cube with no problem, and later gets armor/torpedoes to kill cube after cube after cube (granted this technology was from the future, but still...)
5th - The new flagship easily defeats one of the most powerful ships the Borg have, apart from the Cube and Diamond
And all these events were within a 10 year span... Riight :rolleyes:
posted on September 28th, 2011, 3:18 am
Dominus_Noctis wrote:One could just as easily blame failure to 1 hit kill vessels on poor marksmanship, exceptional ECM etc.

This thread is kind of like a big giant target for anybody who wants to troll...


Tyler wrote:Are the weapon tooltips intended to rememble something plot-related canon could make them do at the expense of not resembling the game? I'm Mainly curious because things like Photon Torpedoes and the Negh'Var and it's Warship Cannon don't act like the background info claims they should.

More specificaly; Photons mention the canon ability to kill defenceless ships in one hit that doesn't happen in-game, while the veteran Negh'Var Warship Cannon tooltip makes it out to be some superstrong Starbase-crushing weapon at Galaxy-X level of power despite just barely escaping a position as the weakest weapon on the ship (except against the stations it should be designed for, where it is the weakest).

I gotta agree with you here Tyler, some of the tooltips need some re-wording at the very least, plus if you'll look you'll notice a number of klink ships use MICRO photon torpedos, which seems quite odd since those are basically shuttle weapons.
posted on September 29th, 2011, 1:12 am
Well, granted, the number of vessels when facing the borg cube is obviously inadequate regardless of ship size or class...

But in the interest of one shot-ing the immobilized vessel... I couldn't say that I recalled an instance where the borg cubes one shot-ed an unshielded sovvy... not that I'm saying it couldn't happen, I have no idea. Can't say I recall is all. But I've definitely seen klingon and federation ships blasted away mercilessly.

It was connected just to thread being true to canon and FO description, and one shots. Borg cube can do it.

But also, even though destroyers can be shot down like this by borg cube... they are my ideal attack group regardless, so I dunno, just fell into place. The whole thing isn't as effective at all against all sort of borg ships. Miners don't fall that well, even scubes and interceptors while they do die take some time unless you have battleships or good counters.

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