My observations about dominoin gamplay, and some advices for

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posted on September 12th, 2010, 4:10 pm
Last edited by Elim on September 12th, 2010, 4:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
So, I play online a lot. (a bit too much I guess) I mostly play dominion, but before that I played a lot of random, so I have a pretty nice overall view to other races too.

Before anything, this is not gonna be a "everything is overpowered" complain, just my own opinion about this race, as far I played lot. Probably more than 50 matches mostly with/aginst players who are considred to be good by the online community.

Generally I'm statisfied with the doms, they are nicely balanced, and they are the most funny race to play for me. They have very srtong early game if you are double yarding, or proxy yarding, and most of the early game ships are useful almost til the late-midgame. Thier late game is the nastiest compared to other races in the game, all of the big yard ships are useful. With running supply mining all are two yard spammable with only one expansion. In really long games no other race can compete with thier crazy production capabalities.

I think the reason why most players stay away from playing them  is the fluency of the dominion gameplay. In 1v1's 2v2's if you are facing agressive opponents, you don't really have the chacne to tech up, without slowing down your production critically. This is connected to the supply mining. In the 90% of the games I'm forced to buy supplies twice from the starbase to keep up with the opponenst production. It is really hard to find an window of opportunity to build the supply mining without slowing down the ship production too much.

I found the best time to do this is when you have your exp running since about 3 minutes. The reason is, that because only one supply station can't replace the starbase supply buying. The best is to build two stations at once with 4 miners, that can almost ensure your supply production. So basically building a lone supply station is a waste of money. (and also pretty expensive) Of course you must count on your opponents stratigies and adapt to it.

I have a never ending argument with butters about the sensor station. It is truly the most awesome cloak detection in the game, very crucial to have it aginst cloaking races, but it is also a very hard to find the right time to build it because it is pretty expensive for the early game. (especially the research in supplywise costs 49) So you must decide, don't build the sensor station this means highly likely you will have a slightly bigger fighting force then a romulan or a klingon player, this means you must press your advantage and don't let them expand and come out them from the main base. OR you can build the sensor station, but that means, you will have significantly lower numbers, so you can't really push you must play defensively, defend at your base, and your mining with a proxy yard, and don't let the damged cloaking ships escape, and ping them to death. :)

Of course these instructions don't mean you will be the ultimate Weyoun :lol: , but I hope this will help some newer player to find easier the way, how the dominion played the best. (you need to experiement a lot by yourself to achive succes too)
posted on September 12th, 2010, 4:14 pm
i usually go for supply mining just after buying the first supplies. i prefer having several ketracel stations around my exp's tri moon. then later i put my first perimeter there. eventually i end up with 3 or 4 around the same tri moon. it brings in a ludicrous amount of supply.
posted on September 12th, 2010, 6:08 pm
Nice one Elim.  Its nice to see a constructive description of how to play a race instead of simply suggestions on how to make them better or worse because they are under/over-powered.

Not got round to Dom playing online yet.  Think i am done with Klingons for the moment and moving onto Roms next, but sooner or later I will get round to Dom and your advice (and that of others) will come in useful.

posted on September 12th, 2010, 7:53 pm
Your assessment is quite correct, and it's really nice to see someone who understand them and enjoys playing them.  I love them because they're such a brute force race.  You go in, tear everything up, and win the game.  It's really fun to take the breen speed boosts and watch a fleet of bugs kill a fleet while dance circles around them.  Very satisfying. :D

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