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posted on January 24th, 2004, 4:19 pm
To The FleetOps Community -

Hello to all fellow Modders and Players. Happy to Join your Ranks :D

To The FleetOps Staff -


I had Some Questions about Modding....
- all Questions asked herein are for information purposes only, disclosure of all or any information is dependent on the fleetops staff -

:wacko: 1) - Is there anywhere I can get a Program to Creat my own Loader ?

:blink: 2) - How can I edit the options screen to have more or less buttons like Voice and things of that nature ? Also How to add more screens as FleetOps has?

:omg: 3) - I have Milkshape now, However I heard that 3dmax was a better program. Is there a eval version of that Software avaliable ? Or do I have to spend like $1000 to get it ?

Thankyou for Your Time, And if you guys can answer my Questions it would be very helpfull !! Again Great Mod Looking Forward to Beta 3.0

posted on January 24th, 2004, 5:04 pm
Welcome to the forums and for number 3 i wouldent say 3dsmax is better but it is more complex your best to atleast start out with milkshape its cheap and easy.
posted on January 24th, 2004, 7:24 pm
Last edited by DOCa Cola on January 24th, 2004, 7:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Welcome to the forums Lam![ol type='1'][*]There are many applications on the net allowing you to create something similar to the launcher. just look through the web, it just depends on what you want.[*]the most screens on armada are hardcoded, there is no way to modify them easily. the thing we did to integrate the voice over network was actually an old feature taken out of armada just before it's release for no reason. i found a way to re-enable it.[*]Yep, maybe milkshape is better to start making armada models. 3D Max has much more features as Milkshape, but that doesn't mean you will ever need them for making armada models but to render high quality scenes for publishing. (exaggeration :D) But anyway, there is a test version of 3D Max available, here, try and decide what is better for your own needs: 3ds max 6 30 day Trial[/ol]
DOCa Cola
posted on January 24th, 2004, 7:50 pm
Doca, umm talking about rendering high qualiy sceens for publisging can we expect an opening video for fleet ops rather than the standard a2 one any time in the future?
posted on January 24th, 2004, 8:13 pm
yep, he punishes me with that and it's on the todo list :)
there will be one, but that's very time intensive work. beta3 is the most complex beta till now so i won't make a new intro for beta3. but i hope i will get one for beta4
posted on January 24th, 2004, 8:24 pm
Okay Beta 4 sounds good, stocks up on the necesities to prepair for 4 years of waiting. JK.
posted on January 24th, 2004, 10:52 pm
:D Thanks for the Welcome!! :D

DOCa - Is there any Programs that you recommend, For a coustom Loader? I've seen one called DemoShield. Any suggestions?

Also thanks for the Info.

BTW - Optec - I feel sorry for you lol, It sounds like you always have more work to do than time to do it :)

posted on January 25th, 2004, 12:01 am
Last edited by cts006 on January 25th, 2004, 12:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
I belive demo shield is what was used for the a2 one the ef one and im shure the bc one.

EDIT: but your gonna need something that can over ride the a2 one when the cd is inserted.

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