
Which race do you like most? What do you like - what you don't like? Discuss it here.
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posted on March 10th, 2004, 3:31 am
keep them movable, i sill say keep them moveable.
posted on March 10th, 2004, 5:00 pm
well everyone else says remove the movement.
posted on March 10th, 2004, 8:57 pm
It makes them more of a chalenge.
posted on March 10th, 2004, 11:55 pm
They already have movement so I say just keep it and fine tune the weapons. It's not a big deal if they move.
posted on March 11th, 2004, 1:46 am
Just keep them how they are, if not make them stronger.
posted on March 11th, 2004, 12:12 pm
STRONGER?? They upset the balance of the game as it is.
posted on March 11th, 2004, 7:42 pm
I definatly would'nt make anything the Noxter have stronger. You can leave everything they have now how it is cept ship HPs and their gun strength.
posted on March 11th, 2004, 10:07 pm
posted on March 12th, 2004, 12:36 am
Why? You guys afraid of a challenge?
posted on March 12th, 2004, 2:30 am
Me? Hell no I like them how they are now. Seems like the Noxter AI is the most powerful of all the AI tho, I mean they just keep sending waves of ships, all the better of course. :D
posted on March 12th, 2004, 3:24 am
The noxter are great. I'm a big fan of organic races. Though I see them as realy weak as they are now. And the AI isn't all that great, it sends out non-weapon ships to fight, and they go to their death. They need better weapons. They are unbalanced cause they are too easy to kill. Make them harder, way harder
posted on March 12th, 2004, 5:28 am
Dude you have to see them fight more then once for them to show you how dangerous they can be if you get stuck with a few attacking you. I think they balance pretty well although they can swarm easy since they recharge their health so fast.
posted on March 12th, 2004, 12:32 pm
I stand by my opinion. The Noxter are way too powerful.
posted on March 12th, 2004, 2:11 pm
Thats agreed although they arnt that much more powerful, human Noxter actually suck by my standards.
posted on March 14th, 2004, 4:21 pm
Human Noxter are easy, I think. But the AIs are EVIL!!!
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