NX Update?

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posted on November 3rd, 2016, 6:10 pm
So, I am curious. The news has not been updated since 2014. How is the NX project is going on EzEngine. And updates? Wants, complaints, etc?
Also, was curious why not the Valve Source Engine? (That's free, you know)
posted on November 4th, 2016, 2:35 pm
the answer will be somethink like this:

"lots of empty frazes " -work in progres- "more empty frazes" -soon- "or never" and finaly "respect devs and be patient and best you can do to help is shut up and let us work as slow as we can...."

ps: my patience run out long time ago........ Shadow.
posted on November 4th, 2016, 3:18 pm
posted on November 4th, 2016, 3:43 pm
Well, the FO devs have a little bit of competition with ST Defensive Line. Plus, I'm working on my own Armada-style game. It would be ironic if we finished ahead of FO.
posted on November 4th, 2016, 3:58 pm
Perhaps a mod that is in development like "ST Defensive Line" (in which by their own accounts, the models look bad) can seem as "competition", however there are a lot of other mods, as well, and Fleet Ops is an actual working mod. I was merely wondering how things were going with the EZengine. The modders here wouldn't have much control over Ezengine's failures. Nonetheless, I find it ridiculous how so many people keep making, yet, another "Armada" mod. IF that many people are good modders, there is no excuse for all those modders NOT to collect their efforts and build a good version of Armada, Legacy and so on. As most these young fellows do not actually get paid for what they do, I can see why they would become distracted from a project that may be bigger than they originally thought.
posted on November 4th, 2016, 4:31 pm
Sorry. Can't give any specifics. We are still active on the project. It will take more time. It is still a hobby project we are doing in our free time.
posted on November 4th, 2016, 4:45 pm
DOCa Cola wrote:Sorry. Can't give any specifics. We are still active on the project. It will take more time. It is still a hobby project we are doing in our free time.
Good to see its rolling. Is the interaction with the EZengine folks going well? Promising?
posted on November 4th, 2016, 5:11 pm
It is :) They are doing a great job.
posted on November 4th, 2016, 6:25 pm
DOCa Cola wrote:Sorry. Can't give any specifics. We are still active on the project. It will take more time. It is still a hobby project we are doing in our free time.

Sorry. Can't give any specifics. -i hear bullshit +empty phraze
We are still active on the project. - i hear the usuall .
It will take more time. - i hear soon or never
It is still a hobby project we are doing in our free time . - i hear all shut up and let us do it as slow as we want.....

so , was i acurate ???
posted on November 4th, 2016, 8:48 pm
Sorry if you get impatient for NX. However, we certainly aren't trying to hype it either.
I like to keep promises. Sooner or later NX will be playable and public. Right now we don't feel like showing it.
posted on November 4th, 2016, 11:18 pm
Impatient, haha, thats so 2 years ago, disapointed, sceptic, not believing a word from devs would be more acurate.

i ll be happy to apologize in a distinct eventuality than in 50 years (if i am still alive) the NX will see a light of day ...LOL.

i love this mod, and comunity. So pls stop making nice post every few months how good and nice yours progress is.
You definately lost my trust there long time ago.

i am going sick from words like > be patient, sooner or later, work in progres, going realy well, cant speak about it, keep faith and so on....

btw i am realy strugeling to stay decent in my coments , because so many f words coming to my mind after those years you feeding us same bullshit all over again and again.
posted on November 4th, 2016, 11:22 pm
Let me make a schedule and see how much free time I have left. Then let's you and I race to complete the next Armada II-style game. I think a team vs an individual is a fair match.
posted on November 5th, 2016, 6:04 am
Shadow24 wrote:i love this mod, and comunity. So pls stop making nice post every few months how good and nice yours progress is.

You can have either that or radio silence. I post here because i care. However, the team as a whole has decided to show NX when it ready for it to be shown.

TChapman500 wrote:Let me make a schedule and see how much free time I have left. Then let's you and I race to complete the next Armada II-style game. I think a team vs an individual is a fair match.

Looking forward to see your project in a finished state.
If competing with someone else is that motivating for your work. Sure, please go ahead. Personally i see no reason to consider other or similar projects as competition. We are not selling FO-NX as a product.
posted on November 5th, 2016, 4:02 pm
A word of Admonition and Encouragement. Let's be completely fair in this particular situation.
The guys that are working on project NX are actually modders. They are not game developers (however, I suspect they have been getting one hell of an education since they wished to move forward with the project). I certainly hope you folks realize that. I would encourage any of you folks to download the engine of your choice and start hacking out code just to see how maddening of a project that truly is.
AI system, HUD system, DEVELOPING a map editor, every object has to be developed, the network portion of the game has to be networked and how it will be hosted-direct LAN/ dedicated server and so on...EVERYTHING (this all being developed on a NEW game engine - not Unity or Unreal or valve Source engine, etc).
The main purpose for my post was to simply check the pulse of the guys and make sure we weren't passengers on a derelict ship (been a member for 3 years myself but using the product much longer).
Here is what I know about the state of good Star trek games: THERE ARE NONE. STO is crap in my opinion (I have my reasons for that- even though the graphics aren't bad at all).
The NX Enterprise and its story line has never gotten a fair shake with the game community. It WILL BE UP TO MODDERS to give the CONTENT to the world what we actually WANT. Star Trek franchisors have a massively BAD track record of making a good ST game. (I think this is CBS/Paramount fault...but that's another thread).
What these guys are trying to do is actually what will be necessary to get the next generation of ST RTS games moving forward. (I am talking GEN 4 RTS with 64 bit Processing and MULTICORE). We can't keep using "Armada. SoSE: Rebellion forever.
Also, devs: You still have a community: FLEETOPS. You fellas have to poke in your head {VIA THAT NEWS LINK) and let the guys know you are breathing, got a new job, had a baby, got a dui---and boy that insurance went up, still doing well, etc. I see "Voice acting" needed etc. Are those things taken care of? Do you fellas need ANY help with ANYTHING? etc.
Anyway, guys, hang in there. even if NX isn't released for another year (2018), NO ONE else will have released a good ST RTS by then. Bank on it!
posted on November 5th, 2016, 6:30 pm
Until the NX version is completed, you can play with the KA2: Empire at War, a mod for Star Trek Armada 2 Fleet Operations.


The playable races are;

The United Federation of Planets
The Klingon Empire
The Romulan Star Empire
The Gorn Confederacy
The Tholian Assembly
The Interstellar Concordium



The playable races are:
-> United Federation of Planets
-> the Klingon Empire
-> the Romulan Empire
-> the Maquis Alliance consists of renegade Starfleet officers, the Bajorans and Ferengi
-> the Dominion Alliance consists of the Dominion, the Cardassians and Breen
-> the Borg Collective ( yes after a long consider we have include them)

Have fun.
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