research stations...

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posted on February 2nd, 2009, 8:38 pm
i cant exactly remember how a research station goes but the research pods it has, are they built with it in max and then attached to a hp_pod or are they seperate sods all together that just show up in term at any of the designated hp_pods?
posted on February 2nd, 2009, 9:08 pm
The pods are separate SODs their root hp attaches to the hps designated in the research stations odf. I'm used to max but in milkshape I don't think you have a root hp so it would be the scene route I guess.
The pods are attached in the order they are built however there is a command used by the borg tech assimilation station (try saying that 10 times fast) that reserves hps for specific pods but I've never played with it and I'm not sure exactly how it works.

Why do you ask, if you don't mind me asking? Up to anything fun?
posted on February 2nd, 2009, 11:53 pm
lol, you could say that... lets say im toying with a concept...

if you want to know more add me on msn... dont wanna give all my secrets away...

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