So what ever happened to those video tutorials?

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posted on May 26th, 2011, 10:15 pm
I'm glad you asked. :)

A long time ago, in the same galaxy, I was thinking to myself, "Hey, wouldn't it be cool if we had some videos that would help introduce Fleet Operations and some of the units in the game? :woot:"

So some of us got together and first had an idea to do some introduction videos that wouldn't be really specific, but would maybe get some people excited about fleet ops.  Then we thought that maybe we could do some build orders instead, to give people something more tangible.  Unlike a commentary, which is fun and is done on the spot, this project just became the opposite of that.  Most of the people involved in doing the tutorials became super busy, including me.

Also, the massive increase in replays that have come out since the project's inception in many ways make the need for these videos obsolete.  I think Boggz had an even better way of doing this by doing his "Pro tip" series (I think that's what it was called :blush:). Basically, the commentaries we do now have been and should be the way to promote FO, and any tutorials can be done within the commentaries, I think.

I am releasing the first and only video I made back in January, five months ago.  Be warned:  It is 10 minutes of me talking.....10 minutes of me talking blandly.  It is scripted, to make sure that I didn't miss anything, so build orders I can do in my sleep are now being read off a page, and it does not make an exciting video.  To be fair, it would have been sent to funnystuff, who would have added music, a cool intro, and mixed drinks. :fox:

So here's the link.  Maybe someone can get an idea off of it and do something cool.  But I figured I'd release it.  I've got the time to start doing commentaries again, so I think I'll stick to that. :thumbsup:
posted on May 26th, 2011, 10:55 pm
YAY!! Mal commentaries!! :thumbsup:
posted on May 28th, 2011, 1:39 am
Thanks for posting I enjoyed it. :)
posted on May 28th, 2011, 1:25 pm
nice :) looking forward to see more :thumbsup:
posted on May 28th, 2011, 2:43 pm
Ouch. :pinch:  I don't know if I communicated this correctly, but I don't think there will be any more of these.  Maybe it's not as bland as I thought, but one of the huge problems of doing these kinds of videos is the fact that Fleet Operations is constantly being improved upon, the tech trees are being ramped, and so on.  The videos then quickly become obsolete.  So it's all your fault, Optec!!! >:(  You are guilty!!! of constantly patching the game to make it even more awesome, and I don't think I could keep up! :sweatdrop:

They're also not as fun, and now that I have time to do actual game commentaries, I want to get back into those.  If I can't do both, then I'd rather do the one that doesn't become obsolete within a month.  If someone else wants to head up a project like this, I'm willing to help.  I always kind of wanted to see the community get more involved, so it wouldn't just be me, but five of us doing one of the races.  That would make the work load a lot easier, too. :blush:  It's way more fun to share with these kinds of projects! :woot:

Ultimately, my hope is to see people using more diverse builds.  There is more to life than warp in rush! :lol:  If people see that, maybe they'll try something new. :innocent: 

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