posted on November 11th, 2011, 5:37 pm
I think the differentiation is a good thing.
It also depends on how many voice overs there are. The teutoberg seems to have a lot.
I gotta say, I've heard my fair share of 'go there'.
What would they say? What would you want a station to talk about?
Although, I had thought that if you were giving a yard orders to build something, it could say something like begin construction of U.S.S. bla bla bla, akira class. lol but that would take eons of voiceovers. You would have to have voiceovers for multiple class ships, and multiple names. Considering you can easily build hundreds of ships.
But even if it were just the class, begin construction of an akira class starship etc.
Still, I don't mind the division like it is. The mechanics of a station are just as good a way to go.
What's a selected star base going to tell you? "we're still trying to take control of the system".