
Which race do you like most? What do you like - what you don't like? Discuss it here.
posted on November 11th, 2013, 7:31 pm
Hello all,

New here... just discovered FO two weeks ago and am incredibly excited to know that this website and group of developers even exist.

Brief background on myself before my question:

Played Armada fairly extensively back in the day. Heard there was a "new and improved" Armada II and salivated for a number of years before I got around to buying it about 3 years ago. Then was disappointed to find out it could not be played on Win 7. My brother then discovered how to install the patches and get it to work. I never bothered to install and play the game though; didn't have the time.

As I was browsing the internet on a recent Star Trek kick, I discovered Fleet Ops. Boy was I surprised and excited. I immediately downloaded ver. 3.2.7. As comparison for myself, I played stock A2 before playing FO. 'Disappointment' is a weak term for how let down I was by A2. I had always wanted something newer, sleeker and more creative than the rather rote Armada. Paying FO for the first time was like a gift from God. So I thank everyone here again for their altruistic passion and continuing work.

Sorry for the testimony, here is the purpose of this post:

What happened to the Steamrunner class or when/will it make an appearance?

The only info I can find on the site is from the Guide: though I have not searched the forums.

Was the Steamrunner in a previous version of FO, since it is designated as a Warp-In? Or is this to be implemented in Ver 4?

As an artillery ship, it was one of my favorites from Armada so I would love to see it back in the game somehow, if only as a Warp-In then so be it. Not sure what the basis of the reasoning for the only as Warp-In is, but that is another matter perhaps...

Apologies if this has already been discussed.
posted on November 11th, 2013, 7:50 pm
Steamrunner was in an earlier version, but was removed as a warp-in vessel. Not sure what the reason was.

It will return in the next major release. See this news item.

And before you ask, there is no date set for the next release yet. "When it's ready". Patience is key.
posted on November 11th, 2013, 7:56 pm
welcome to the forum.

the steamrunner used to be in game. as you guessed, it was warpin.

it had the old a2 role of artillery. i didn't much care for it being artillery, as there was no canon indication it was artillery. that's just the way armada had it.

it's currently not available in normal games.

it is available in game in several unusual ways, though.

it can be added to maps via the map maker. in single player you can enter the in game map editor and place steamrunners. it can also be built at the mckinley yard. the mckinley yard can't be built in a normal game, so has to be placed in map editor itself (the same ways a steamrunner can be placed).

in the future the steamrunner will be coming back as a buildable ship, not as arty. the arty role has been given to the teutoburg (currently available fully in game)

see here:

i'm guessing it was removed as they didn't like the way it was and the teutoburg was ready to take over the arty role. it's had a torrid history. the worst time for the poor steamy was when you could get two of them in your first warpin and immediately end the game.

i'm looking forward to it being buildable. we saw several of them in the dominion war fleets. and in first contact.
posted on November 11th, 2013, 8:10 pm
Excellent. Thank you both for the explanation.

As for asking about Ver. 4 release date... I have read enough on the forum and FO site to know that many are clamoring, but it is not a defined thing and that it requires time.

That is quite understandable. It is also understandable that the dev team doesn't need anyone else pestering them with release date questions. I personally have enough to explore with the current version to keep me occupied for some time.
posted on November 11th, 2013, 9:00 pm
Myles wrote:@madhatter:
i'm guessing it was removed as they didn't like the way it was and the teutoburg was ready to take over the arty role. it's had a torrid history. the worst time for the poor steamy was when you could get two of them in your first warpin and immediately end the game.

i'm looking forward to it being buildable. we saw several of them in the dominion war fleets. and in first contact.

It disappeared while I was on a break from the community, hence my hesitance to speculate.

And agreed on looking forward to its return. While it wasn't the "star" of the First Contact ships its distinct shape has won it many friends over the years.
posted on November 11th, 2013, 9:11 pm
MadHatter wrote:And agreed on looking forward to its return. While it wasn't the "star" of the First Contact ships its distinct shape has won it many friends over the years.

yeah, it came along at the same time as the sabre, norway and the akira classes. they only ever really served as background ships, but they were all interesting designs.
posted on November 11th, 2013, 9:55 pm
I've read that the ILM Akira model was put together almost to "hero" ship standard, as it was the studio's most-liked design and selected for closer shots. Heck, it was only some fast talk by members of the production design staff that stopped the Akira design from being used verbatim in the Enterprise series.

All of the First Contact ships were imaginative takes on classic Federation design motifs; it was good to see so many new designs in the film.
posted on November 11th, 2013, 10:08 pm
MadHatter wrote:Heck, it was only some fast talk by members of the production design staff that stopped the Akira design from being used verbatim in the Enterprise series.

Really? ... Wow I am glad somebody nixed that idea. Makes you wonder who works on those projects. No dedication to material integrity...

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