posted on December 21st, 2006, 7:06 pm
Last edited by Nivek on December 21st, 2006, 7:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Hey Guys,
Its been awhile.
I dont know if some of you guys have seen this so all show you guys this anyway.
Last year in December a friend of mine showed me a video of a guy in Mason, Ohio who put music with christmas lights. Need less to say a thought that this was awsome. So this year I was looking for a way to get into the Christmas spirit. So i did a search for Carson Williams and I found this. He ended up starting a business were he goes around and puts up theses christmas decorations and sincs to music. This is the only one I could find, but I as a fact that hes made 3 set ups this year. One in a park near Mason, Ohio , another in a Zoo, and this one thats in a mall in Denver, Colorado. Enjoy, I know I did.
Happy Holidays All!