The AI sees the future

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posted on August 24th, 2011, 2:33 am
Mysterious titles ftw :thumbsup:

Its only a really small way, but I notice that AI know exactly when to pull back their ships from a pursuit. The instant the killing shot goes out, the AI already has started to pull the ship back. It also knows which shot is actually the killing one and which one is one that will just hit a subsystem (and not kill the ship, even though it is at a very low health). It only pulls back on the killing shots.

Maybe I will put more interesting behaviors like this in this topic, but for now, I thought this was interesting enough to share

(And the title isn't really lying. From a humans point of view, the AI knows if a shot will hit or miss/fail against a ship before the shot even hits. Even with a phaser shot. The pro-est of pros can't do this because they have to see the shot hit the ship and destroy it before knowing, for certain, that the ship will be destroyed before pulling back. So the future seeing bit is that the AI knows how the shot will affect the target before it hits, a human impossibility. Unless some of you have been hiding psychic talents or so  :cloak:)
posted on August 24th, 2011, 7:58 am
The AI knows, because the AI decides which hit and which don't. Pity we can't do the same to their shots...
posted on August 25th, 2011, 12:41 am
Whats really fun is that sometimes the AI just randomly shoots cloaked ships with no cloak detect on the map, because the AI can see ships cloaked or not.

That or the second you move in to raid an AIs mining, all the miners execpt for one flee.

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