Turning on Team Colors on Per-Mod Basis

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posted on January 14th, 2014, 2:43 am
How exactly do I turn on Team Colors on a per-mod basis? I found the settings file for FleetOps, but there is no settings file for any of the mods. How would I create one?
posted on January 14th, 2014, 6:52 am
you realize the models themselves need parts of the mesh set to be team colours right?
posted on January 14th, 2014, 1:17 pm
I know. But for now, let's just assume that they all have team color meshes. How do I turn them on or off on a per-mod basis using the settings file in the "Users/ApplicationData/FleetOps" directory.
posted on January 14th, 2014, 1:55 pm
Team colours aren't turned of per say, they just either have them on the mesh so will show when you pick your colour or don't have them set on the mesh so won't
posted on January 14th, 2014, 2:56 pm
Look in "Users/YourName/Application Data/Star Trek Armada II Fleet Operations/FOData.ini" "TeamColor=False" is on line 3.
posted on January 14th, 2014, 4:49 pm
TChapman500 wrote:Look in "Users/YourName/Application Data/Star Trek Armada II Fleet Operations/FOData.ini" "TeamColor=False" is on line 3.

Interesting, I didn't know that was there. By the way, on XP it is at "C:\Documents and Settings\YourName\Application Data\Star Trek Armada II Fleet Operations". In the same folder is a mods directory that contains saves for specific mods. I tried copying the file to a few of those, but that didn't work whether it was classed as a mod or total conversion.

EDIT: Switching it on at the original file did also turn it on for all mods, though. I suppose you could write a batch file to launch mods that would switch it on or off corresponding to what mod you were running.
posted on January 14th, 2014, 5:12 pm
cabal wrote: By the way, on XP it is at "C:\Documents and Settings\YourName\Application Data\Star Trek Armada II Fleet Operations"..

on 98/me it's at "C:\windows\application data" :P

just use the %appdata% variable, as ms will just change the name again next release anyway.

also tcr, on vista/7/8, it's actually at "%userprofile%\appdata\roaming" you shouldn't be able to access "%userprofile%\application data" on vista/7/8, it should give access denied. it's only a junction.
posted on January 14th, 2014, 6:15 pm
I tried the .bat solution and discovered something interesting. If you run FO's Armada2.exe from the command line, it crashes with the generic "*Program Name* has encountered a problem" window. Perhaps understanding why this happens could lead to Wine compatibility.

Anyway, I got it working. First, I made two copies of FOData.ini in the same directory and called them TeamColor.ini and NoTeamColor.ini with the obvious changes. Then I made two batch files to test, one for FO and one for the Classic Mod.

FleetOps.bat contained:
Code: Select all
copy "%appdata%\Star Trek Armada II Fleet Operations\NoTeamColor.ini" "%appdata%\Star Trek Armada II Fleet Operations\FOData.ini"
"%UserProfile%\Desktop\Fleet Operations.lnk"

A2Classic.bat contained:
Code: Select all
copy "%appdata%\Star Trek Armada II Fleet Operations\TeamColor.ini" "%appdata%\Star Trek Armada II Fleet Operations\FOData.ini"
"%UserProfile%\Desktop\Star Trek Armada II  Classic.lnk"

(that's not a typo, that's how the default shortcut for the Classic mod is formatted)

Running standard Fleet Ops and the Classic mod via the batch files seems to have the desired effect, even if it isn't a built in feature.

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